Chapter 32: Chapter: 32

Release Time: 2024-05-16 12:34:31

Chapter 32:

I watched as a line of eager prospective Death Eaters had now fully formed in front of the terrified Fleur Delacour. She was begging them not to hurt her in both French and fractured English. The line of 20, along with Lord Rosier, simply laughed at the chained up Veela.

"Alright little bird. This is going to hurt a lot." The first man in the line leveled his wand at Fleur. "Cru–" He never got to finish casting his spell.


A loud gunshot echoed out in the chamber. There was a spray of blood and the man about to cast the torture curse dropped dead. Natasha hit him with a perfect headshot. The other men behind him in the line couldn't even register what had just happened before she was already pointing both her pistols at them. She proceeded to open fire…


"Fuck! He's dead!" One man shouted in fear.

"Agh, it hurts! What is this magic? It went right through my protego!" Another man grunted out. He was clutching his shoulder in pain after a bullet tore right through his flimsy shield.

"That's not magic! It's a muggle weapon. They're muggle spies! Kill th–" He wasn't able to finish. His head whipped backwards when a bullet hit him right in the forehead.

After a few more seconds, both of Natasha's guns made clicking noises. Signaling they were empty. Of the original 20 men, only 5 were left standing. Off to the side, 'Lord Rosier' was looking on horrified. Fleur also looked terrified from the sudden violence, but I could see a glimmer of hopefulness in her eyes as well.1

"Her muggle weapons are completely spent. Kill her now!" One of the remaining men shouted out. He leveled his wand towards us and a familiar green spell started to form on his wand tip. Before he could complete the two word incantation, I had already formed a light spear and let it sail across the room, where it had impaled him through the chest. His spell fizzled out and he could only look down in shock at the spear sticking out of him. 

Natasha let out a whistle of appreciation for what I just did. Even I was surprised, with what just happened. I had formed that lightspear far faster than I ever had, and thrown it even faster. Was that because I had 6 wings now?

[It's not just that. Have you forgotten that your Strength stat is also up to 20 now? That stat doesn't just encompass how much you can lift or how hard you can physically hit. It encompasses all of your physical attributes including speed and agility. Physically, you should be on par with Captain America right now.]5

After quickly reading the pop up in front of me, I wanted to kick myself for ignoring Strength and focusing solely on Intelligence. If I had known I could have been on par with Captain America at only 20 strength, I would have thrown some of my free stat points into strength sooner.

Rosier looked at me with fear in his eyes. "No… that spear. It's you… how did I not recognize you sooner!? You're the Angel who's been clashing with our Lord! I need to get out of here!" With a panicked look, he raised his wand vertically and tried to do something with it. He momentarily flickered in place before he gasped in failure. "Dammit! I forgot apparition is impossible under Gringotts wards. Fucking goblins!" He cursed. I laughed internally that he just tried to run away. Probably to go and tattle to Tommy boy about me.

No longer needing to hide myself, I let my 6 wings freely manifest behind me. A light spear appeared in each of my hands as I took a step towards the other four men. We had no use for taking any of them alive. They weren't even real Death Eaters yet. They had no useful intel for us. On top of that, they were scum…

"What is she? Even one of the Dark Lord's inner circle is terrified of her." 

"It doesn't matter, kill her before she kills us!"


I was about to rush forward and finish the four of them off, but they all dropped dead in violent sprays of blood. I turned to Natasha and gave her a pout. It seemed that while everyone was distracted, she had taken the time to reload her guns…

"Sorry…" Natasha trailed off. "I know you were trying to look cool just now, but we don't really have the time. That guy over there did something with his arm." She said as she pointed at Rosier.

I looked over at him and could see that the snake on his Dark Mark tattoo was moving back and forth. I had no idea what he did.

"The dark mark is our Dark Lord's greatest creation! Not only does it let him know where we are at all times, but it also allows us to call for help wherever we are!" He bragged as he waved his arm and showed off the mark. I guess he was feeling a bit braver now that backup was coming for him. 

I looked down at the remaining light spear I was holding in my hand. I shrugged to myself before I hurled the spear at the arm he was so proudly showing off to us. With a sizzling squelch noise, the spear tore through and cauterized his elbow. Rosier's forearm, with the mark on it, dropped to the ground. It took the man a second to even comprehend I had just disarmed him before he started screaming in agony as he clutched his new stump.1

"And now his magical tracking tattoo is worthless. Nice aim, Layla." Natasha praised me for my violent display. She then proceeded to march over to the wailing man and knocked him clean out. "We'll take him with us as we escape and we can interrogate him later." She suggested and I nodded.

I walked over to Fleur who was still lying on the ground in chains. She looked back at me with apprehension. "Don't worry, we're going to save you now." I said in perfect French. Tears started forming in her eyes as the remaining spear, in my offhand, shrunk in size and transformed into a small light dagger. I used it to start cutting through her chains. It didn't take long for her to be free and hugging me tightly in thanks.

"Even if you shaved off a few pounds, this guy is still a bit heavy for me to carry. Can you grab him, Layla?" Natasha called out as she pointed at the downed Death Eater lieutenant. I once again marveled at my current Strength as I effortlessly slung him under my arm like a sack of potatoes. 


There was a loud explosion that sounded like it came from the entrance of the bank.

"LAYLA OF THE FALLEN! You have been a thorn in my side long enough! There's no escape! Now you die!" I could hear Voldemort's voice scream out from the other side of the bank. Was that loud explosion him? Did he blow up the doors of the bank? How melodramatic could he be? It wasn't like the doors were locked. He literally owned the place right now…

"Oh no…" Fleur whispered. She had started trembling upon hearing him. Natasha also looked a bit apprehensive at facing Voldemort right now…

"I really hope the cavalry gets here soon." Natasha said.

"What cavalry?"


I heard an even louder explosion followed by lots of screaming. And then Rock n Roll music started blaring loudly throughout the area.

"That one…" Natasha smirked as she held up a small blinking transmitter device. It looked like she had called in backup.2



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