Chapter 31: Chapter: 31

Release Time: 2024-05-16 12:33:52

Chapter 31:

Barty turned around and glared at me, probably for calling Diagon Alley a dump. I could only shrug in response; I only called it as I saw it. Everywhere I looked, the streets were littered with trash. Almost all the shop windows were boarded up, and the ones that weren't needed to be because they had been burnt to the ground. There were also signs in front of those burned-out shops claiming that 'mudbloods were no longer welcome to do business in the Alley.'

"I admit, the Alley has seen better days," Barty said. "It'll be fixed up real soon though! You'll see. As soon as the Dark Lord finishes taking over completely, then everything will change!" He explained with a look of reverence on his face when he spoke about the Dark Lord. I could hear Natasha quietly cursing about how annoying tearing down cults could be.

As Barty continued leading us towards Gringotts, I spoke up. "So what do you mean 'when the Dark Lord finishes taking over?' Hasn't he already?" I asked, using my acting skill and ability to speak any language to match Natasha's Russian accent.

Barty just kept walking as he responded, his voice carrying a hint of irritation. "Not quite yet. We've completely taken over the Alley, and the ministry has fallen. Unfortunately, the majority of the magical people are still resisting. Many have fled to Hogsmeade and Hogwarts for sanctuary. That bastard Dumbledore activated Hogwarts' wartime wards, and we haven't been able to breach them yet. All we can do is sit outside them and cast unforgivable curses. Too bad those spells all fall off after only a few hundred feet. The Dark Lord is currently preparing a special ritual to take down those wards. Once he does, we'll take the castle and kill the old fool!" Barty finished his explanation just as we reached the steps of the bank. I was expecting to see Goblins out front guarding it, but to my surprise, there were Death Eaters instead.2

When we entered the bank, I found out the reason. The goblins were inside, but they were not looking as regal as they did in the movies. All the goblins were wearing pillowcases, the same as house elves would. The Goblins had all been enslaved! I could see the simmering fury in the various goblin's eyes as Barty strode into their bank like he owned the place. Their hatred turned to confusion when they spotted me and Natasha following behind him. Multiple pairs of Goblin eyes locked onto me as I continued through the bank. One of them looked like they were going to speak up to me, before another goblin smacked and shushed him. Maybe, as members of the Fay, they could see what I really was even with my wings currently hidden.

"You two came just in time. Rosier has got a special demonstration prepared for the new recruits. I'm sure you'll love it," Barty introduced us before he turned and left towards the bank entrance.

I could feel all the eyes of the wizards in the room raking Natasha and me over. I wanted to leave or just conjure a light spear and start hacking at them all. I held myself back, though, as we were here for information. So far we had gleaned that a lot of the 'good' magicals were holed up in Hogwarts, which would soon be under siege, but that wasn't enough.

"And who might you two witches be?" The Death Eater called Rosier asked us. I wondered if he was one of those so-called Lords of Wizengamot. I'm pretty sure that wasn't actually canon though. Then again, I clearly wasn't in a canon world.

"Hello," Natasha answered, still with her accent. "I am–

"I don't care," he rudely cut her off. "You may address me as Lord Rosier. I am a member of the Dark Lord's inner circle and from now on, your superior," he said while glaring at not just us, but everyone.

I was about to shout at him in anger for daring to treat us like that, but Natasha grabbed my arm and stopped me. "Just ignore him. That's a typical power play that recruiters use on new soldiers. He's trying to establish a chain of command," she whispered to me.

"...You're right," I replied. I almost blew our cover right there. Frankly, it was a small miracle that every Death Eater we'd met hadn't recognized my face yet. Other than Malfoy and Pettigrew, I wasn't aware which Death Eaters were even at the graveyard.1

While I was momentarily distracted by Natasha whispering to me, Rosier had ordered a nearby goblin slave to bring out a 'prisoner.' Both of our attention returned to him at that moment. My eyes widened in surprise when a supernaturally beautiful girl wearing rags was dragged out in front of everyone. Steel chains were clapped on all her limbs. I could see dried tear stains leftover on her face.

"Please let me go. I have done nothing to you people," she pleaded in French. She had long blond hair and bright green eyes. Her features were perfectly symmetrical and too flawless for her to be completely human.

"Layla, is she an angel as well?" Natahsa asked me hushedly. I might have suspected that myself except I could sense no holy power from the chained girl. I shook my head no at Natasha.

"Shut up with your sniveling French, you disgusting half breed! You know I don't understand it!" Rosier shouted at the girl with an angry red face. He was about to raise his hand to smack her, before one of the prospective Death Eaters spoke up.

"That's a really gorgeous bird there!? Do we get to play with her some?" A man shouted out. I felt disgust well up inside meat hearing that. The other men in the small crowd all started to look excited at the prospect.

Rosier smiled menacingly at everyone. "Allow me to introduce you to Fleur Delacour. A half-breed Veela. Daughter of the French minister of magic. The country that will fall next as soon as we finish unifying our own great empire. She was captured a week ago when we took control of this bank. It seemed the half-breed wanted to work for the goblins. I brought her out here for a special purpose. It's time to see which of you has what it takes to join our ranks. One by one, you will each come up here and cast the cruciatus curse on this girl. Those who succeed will join our noble cause, and those who fail to cast the spell will be shown the door. Afterwards, you can have your fun with what's left of the girl…" Rosier finished. The dirty prospective Death Eaters all cheered in excitement as they scrambled to form a line.

[Quest Issued: Tough Decisions→ Will you choose to save Fleur Delacour or Will you choose to let her die and continue your infiltration?]2

[Rewards: ???/???]

Well shit… I already knew which one I would choose. I glanced at Natasha and we were on the same wavelength. I could see that she was already making a move to shed her cumbersome robes as she pulled out a pair of handguns.2



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