Chapter 26: Chapter: 26

Release Time: 2024-05-16 12:30:02

Chapter 26:

With the arrow still in his arm, Voldemort was thoroughly pissed off. "Damn you all! I've had enough of this! Lord Voldemort does not know defeat! Prepare to fail again, Angel!" Voldemort declared as he grunted in pain and pointed his wand towards the spectator stands. My eyes widened in fear at the spell he incanted. "Fiendfyre!" He cast the spell before he smirked and apparated away!1


"Oh fuck!" Iron Man yelled out next to me.2

A torrential wave of fire over 20 feet high and growing had just been unleashed with no one to control it. People in the stands were screaming in fright as they all immediately tried to flee. There was no way they'd make it in time though.  13

I wouldn't let that dark asshole succeed again! Inflapped my wings and launched myself between the wild fiendfyre and the stands. I spent another 100MP and summoned a second light shield. It wasn't even close to big enough! The flames were still growing and had reached over 20 feet high and 40 feet wide as they slammed into my shield! I needed a much larger shield!  4

[Warning!!! MP is at 0!]2

'I don't care, I need more power!' I shouted out in my head.7

[Emergency Skill acquired! → HP to MP conversion! → Can use HP as MP with a scale of 1 to 1 when MP reaches zero.]1

I poured much more power into my shield as I held the torrential flames back from reaching the spectators. I thought I could hear people start to cheer behind me but I was too focused to pay attention to them.1


My shield enormously expanded and matched the flames in size. It wasn't enough though! I needed to snuff them out! I poured in more power as much as I possibly could!4

[-399HP/MP. Warning HP has reached 1!]7

I pushed every scrap of power I could in the massive light shield before I willed it to tilt forward and slam down over the cursed flames. My shield smashed flat onto the ground and smothered the flames completely!  1

"Holy shit, I did it!"2

[Now that was some high level gamer bullshit you just pulled off there…]3

I smiled happily as I heard the crowds of people behind me cheering loudly. I spun around and gave them all a wave which caused them to cheer even louder.  1

"That was amazing! Did you see that!?"1

"I thought we were all goners! Those flames were massive!"1

"I can't believe Angels are actually real and they're just as beautiful as I'd imagined!"1

Iron Man flew over and landed next to me. His armor had taken a severe magical beating, but all in all was still intact. "Holy shit, Layla. Now that was something. You're definitely the best hire my company has ever had." He said jokingly.1

I laughed. "Well technically you never actually hired me… Pepper never had me sign any paperwork."

"What!?" Tony whined. "She forgot? That doesn't sound like her." His faceplate opened up as he peered around. I assumed he was searching for her. She was probably back at the hotel by now. She took off as soon as Whiplash showed up. Not that I blamed her.

"She was too distracted by my wings… and my beauty." I gave him a wink. "You better work out whatever little spat is between you two soon or I'll snatch her up for myself." I joked back to him. I wouldn't actually do that though. Pepper was incredibly beautiful, but she and Tony were too perfect for each other to ever break up forever. 

"I will. It's just that some things have come to light that have had me acting a bit like an ass." He said.

"Is it because you're dying from palladium poisoning?" He looked at me in shock that I knew that. I just reached my hand up and patted his metal shoulder. "You'll figure it out." I said as I proceeded to walk into the stands. The stands had started being officially evacuated by all of the SHIELD agents. There were still plenty of people left, though, who couldn't take their eyes off my wings. I smiled and waved as I walked by all of them and headed over to where I could see Natasha and Clint talking to each other. There was also a third shield agent that I didn't recognize standing next to them.6

Natasha noticed I was approaching them as she turned to me. "Well now… that was something." She said with an expression that was hard to read. I sent her a playful wink which she returned with a deadpan. 

"That was freaking amazing, Layla!" Clint exclaimed. "Have you considered joining SHIELD? We could really use someone with your talents." He asked and I waved him off.2

"No thanks, I wouldn't mind working with you guys on occasion, but I'm not one to take orders anymore." I said. I was also still technically part of the Grigori and couldn't join another organization anyway.3

"That's too bad. We could really use someone of your talents." The third agent said as he held out his hand for me to shake. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Agent Rollins. I'm a member of the SHIELD subdivision known as STRIKE."  1

STRIKE sounded familiar to me. I was pretty sure that was the subdivision that was almost completely composed of secret Hydra agents… I was currently shaking hands with a Nazi…  1

I gave him a small glare that he did not miss. "Damn…" He said as he gripped my hand tighter. "The higher ups were afraid of this. They suspected that you knew things about us as well after you exposed the Hand." He said as his smile turned menacing.2

"Huh? Higher ups, what are you talking about Rollins?" Clint asked. Natasha looked confused as well.

He released my hand as he turned to both of them and smirked. "Hail Hydra!" Rollins declared.6


I felt something burn into my stomach as I looked down and noticed that the hydra agent had drawn a laser gun of some kind from his waistband and shot me! It was one of those tesseract weapons… Fuck. I felt everything go black as I collapsed backwards.4

[HP 1→ 0]3

[Game Over]1

[Revive? +5 Remaining]2

[Yes] [Also Yes]4



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