Chapter 25: Chapter: 25

Release Time: 2024-05-16 12:29:18

Chapter 25:

"Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort's bright green killing curse flew right at me. I didn't make a move to dodge as Tony was standing right behind me. I didn't know whether or not his armor could block the spell. Instead I reeled my arm back and simultaneously threw the light spear I was holding at Voldemort. 

I took a page out of Thanos's book and aimed for the head. Even if Voldemort had the magical power of an ultimate class being, his homunculus body was still just as squishy as any other humans. The dark lord's eyes widened upon seeing my counter attack heading towards his face. At the last second my light spear grazed his cheek as he twisted out of the way in a surprising display of agility. 

"Damn you!" Voldemort hissed out in pain from the burn I'd given him on his face. A split second later his killing curse slammed into me.


'400!? I thought the spell only did 200 spiritual damage!'

[This guy's magic is just built differently…]1

"Are you alright Layla. That spell hit you dead on!" Tony called out from behind me. "I saw that same spell kill that innocent man in the stands instantly."

"Of course I'm fine." I lied without turning around. "That spell can't kill me!" I smirked towards the dark lord who was biting his lip in frustration at seeing me survive even his killing curse. 

"Fine! If that spell can't harm you… then how about this!" Voldemort had a mad gleam in his eye as he cast his next spell. "Protego Diabolica!" A torrent of devastating blue fire shot forward towards us. That was Grindelwald's signature spell!3

"Dodge Tony!" I screamed out as I flew up into the air and out of the way. Behind me Iron Man did the same as he reached me high in the air.1

"What the fuck was that!?" He called out as we watched the blue flames incinerate everything in their path. Whiplash's body on the ground was instantly turned to ash…

"Protego Diabolica is a cursed flame spell that turns everything that opposes its caster into ash." I explained and he whistled.1

"Magic huh? Well that's new. How do we beat him?" He asked me.  1

"He has incredible power, but at the end of the day he's still basically a glass cannon. You just have to hit him without getting hit yourself." I explained.  3

"You got it, Palutena!" Iron Man called out as he turned and dove towards Voldemort. From his shoulders, small missiles sprang up that immediately fired on Voldemort.  3

I formed two more light spears in my hand as I pulled in my wings and dove downward to join him. 

"All agents. The leader is distracted. Open fire on the masked men. I repeat open fire!" Natasha's voice called out in my ear. I couldn't focus on that right now though. I'd have to trust the SHIELD agents could take down the death eaters. At least they had the element of surprise.3


The missles all slammed in the flaming track where Voldemort was standing… where he was standing. At the last second he had apparated into the sky and was right behind Tony! Voldemort's wand was glowing green as he was about to fire the killing curse at Iron Man's back.

I would let him! I flapped my wings and dove down even faster. I was upon him instantly as I raised both my spears to try and impale him. To my shock, Voldemort spun around and fired the green spell at me instead. There was a smirk of triumph on his face right before he apparated away after casting the spell. He had baited me! I was moving too fast to dodge!1

It was only when the green spell hit me that I realized that was not the killing curse. My entire body burned as if I was on fire! It was the blood boiling curse!


I lost complete control of my body from the pain as I  couldn't stop myself and slammed into the ground hard.

[-100HP!  HP currently at 1000/2000]

"Oooooooooowwwwww," I drawled out. "That really hurt…" I spat as I struggled to stand. My gamer's body had instantly healed any visible wounds on my body, but I still felt the pain. That blood boiling curse was absolute agony to be hit by!8

I heard something heavy land next to me. I turned and saw it was Iron Man. "Are you okay, Layla? You hit the ground really hard…" His voice held concern. I was at half HP less than a minute into this fight… No, I was not ok.

"Hehehehe…Hahahahahah!" Voldemort's mad cackling drew our attention as he apparated in front of us silently. "Very good, Layla of the Fallen. I would have been disappointed if an Angel went down so easily. But now, it's time to stop playing around. My pathetic followers foolishly underestimated the muggles and are getting slaughtered for it. I will kill you and the Man of Iron before I wash this whole place away in a sea of fiendfyre!" Voldemort was done talking as he rapidly started firing spells at us. My eyes widened in surprise as he was casting spells as fast as a machine gun!8

Luckily for me, he still believed me to be immune to the killing curse. He was bombarding us with regular curses that I was thankfully able to block or bat aside with my light spears. The light spears in my hands started to crack and weaken as I relentlessly batted away curse after curse. 

"Dammit! He's gonna breach my armor!" Iron Man called out next to me. He was simultaneously being pinned down as he held his metal arms in front of himself to block Voldemort's spell barrage.His armor was taking a beating and cracks were starting to form on it. I needed to do something fast.1

I forced more MP into my two light spears as I willed them to grow larger and stronger!  1

[Light Manipulation Lvl 2→3]

The two light spears I was holding expanded and fused together. In front of me and Tony was now a giant purple shield of light! Voldemort's spells continued to collide against it for another ten seconds and yet it held strong against the barrage. In those ten seconds, Voldemort must have unleashed over 100 curses. And yet, not a single one of those curses was the same as the last. My shield held strong though.3

I used up over 100 MP on that shield alone, but it was worth it seeing the enraged expression on Voldemort's face. Once again, he had been foiled. I could tell such vigorous and rapid spell casting was actually taking a small toll on him. He was starting to huff out his breaths. It was then that I realized that all of his followers had been dealt with. I glanced around and saw dozens of death eaters dead or bleeding on the ground…1

"GAH!" Voldemort screamed in pain!

An arrow randomly flew down from the stands and pierced directly into the dark lord's arm! He screamed out in pain and rage. His eyes were brimming with hatred.12



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