Chapter 24: Chapter: 24

Release Time: 2024-05-16 12:28:17

Chapter 24:

Death Eaters were here… exposing themselves to mundane humans without a care. That was insane! They were going to start a war with the non-magical people!1

At first, none of the people in the crowd realized they were in danger from the masked newcomers that all popped up out of literally nowhere. That was until one brave fan stood up from his seat in the bleachers and approached a random death eater. "What the fuck is going on here! Who are you people!" He shouted loudly at the death eater. 

"Filthy disgusting muggle! How dare you even speak to me! Avada Kedavra!" The death eater shouted the killing curse loudly. The green spell flew true and struck the man down. He died instantly, not knowing what was going on. Upon witnessing that, the people in the stands proceeded to panic. Thousands of people started screaming and they all stood to try and flee–At least, they tried to.

"NOBODY WILL LEAVE!" I clutched my ears as an incredibly loud voice echoed across the area. It was a voice I recognized. It was Voldemort. He had used the Sonorus Charm to amplify his shout. His voice was menacing as he walked out onto the track for all to see. The thousands of people in the crowd were all forced to sit back down as dozens of death eaters held them at wand point. 

"Mam, should we open fire?" A random shield agent asked over the mic.

"Not yet! What the hell is going on here, Layla?" Natasha whispered to me into the mic. She had to whisper because she was hidden inside the crowd. I didn't know where she was, but I figured she was near a death eater.

"Evil wizards and witches have apparently decided to come out of hiding and possibly declare war on us…" I speculated. 

"You have got to be shitting me…" Clint said. "I've got a shot on the presumed leader on the track. He's walking towards Iron Man and the whip guy. Should I take a shot? Will he have energy shields too?" 

"Don't fire on him!" I called out. "Voldemort might look like the victim of the worst cosmetic surgery in history, but he is powerful. You'll only piss him off!"  2

Natasha whispered again, "Layla, you have to do something. If this leader is as dangerous as you claim, then at least distract him so we can take out his subordinates. Once they are dealt with we can all focus on him." She said. That sounded like as good a plan as any. I told her to standby as I was going to make a move.

[...You're probably going to die.]3

'Thanks for the belief in me, system. I really appreciate it.' I thought sarcastically.

[No problem.]

I let out a sigh as I unfurled my wings and prepared to step in. I was mentally preparing myself for a hard fight.

Voldemort waved his wand towards the side of the track. A cameraman who was there to film the race had been recording everything that had been going on so far. He was yanked from his spot and forcefully flew over to where the dark lord was near Iron Man and Whiplash.

"You will record this moment!" Voldemort hissed out. "Let the whole world witness the moment their great Iron Protector falls to me! Then they will all know that to oppose their new magical overlords will be a foolish endeavor!" The dark lord bellowed out.

"Hey you pale noseless asshole!" Tony's robotic voice called out. "I'm not dying to anyone today. Not to this whip guy, and certainly not you!" Tony leveled both of his repulsors. One pointed at Whiplash and the other pointed at Voldemort.  1

"I came here to kill Anthony Stark and avenge my father." Whiplash called out. "I don't need your help to do it!" He said as he leveled a glare at Voldemort.

In response, Voldemort just chuckled. "Help? You think I'm here to help you, you disgusting muggle!?" Voldemort's eyes glowed red as he hissed those words out. "Never! Crucio!" Voldemort leveled his wand and fired the Cruciatus Curse at Whiplash! The latter didn't even try to dodge out of the way. I watched as he looked smug and probably thought his energy shield would protect him like it did from Tony's repulsor. He thought wrong…

Ivan Vanko dropped to the ground and screamed in agony as Voldemort smiled over the man. 

"Enough Tom!" I shouted out and drew everyone's attention to myself. My four black wings spread from my back as I took to the air and flew the short distance towards the three men.1

Voldemort's eyes widened in surprise at seeing me again. Good, it seemed like he was still wary of me. Despite that, I didn't think he'd be backing down. He knew he had the whole world watching right now with that camera recording. If he fled from me here, his cause was dead in the water.

"Layla of the Fallen!" Voldemort angrily spat out my name. "Once again you appear before me and try to meddle in my destiny. And once again you will fail!"

I hovered a few feet off the air between him and Iron Man. 

"Hey there Layla. Cool wings. This a friend of yours? Who is he anyway?" Tony asked me. 

"Meet Tom Riddle. He's an evil wizard with delusions of grandeur who wants to take over the world." I gave a short summary. Tony nodded in understanding.

"Ah, one of those guys…"

"Don't you dare use my filthy muggle name, Angel! I am Lord Voldemort!" The dark lord screamed at me. "I killed Heather Potter and fulfilled my prophecy! Now I will kill Tony Stark to prove to the world the superiority of wizardkind! Too many of my loyal followers are afraid to rise up because of this Iron Man. I will prove to them that he is nothing!" Voldemort declared. That was some interesting information. It seemed some of his smarter followers actually kept up with world news.

I formed a light spear in my hand as I leveled it at Voldemort. "You'll have to go through me first."

Voldemort pointed his wand at me and a familiar green glow formed on it. "Gladly. You survived my follower's killing curse, but let's see how you fair against mine. Avada Kedavra!"4


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