Chapter 38: The legacy of Bai Family is in Bai Lung’s balls and it need to be continued.

Release Time: 2024-05-15 12:26:01

As the women continued to mourn their losses, Bai Lung approached one of them with a determined stride, his eyes were burning with sinister ambition.

And trust me, he wasn't up to any good.

He knew that achieving his goal would require physical force and power tactics including guilt trapping and the name of his father.

Well, since, he is going to bang his father's thing, he obviously needs the name of his father to make them submit.

Without hesitation, he grabbed one of the women by her arm, causing her to wince in pain.

" OUCH! " Her scream echoed throughout the courtyard as she struggled against his grip, while he looked at him, " Young Master Bai Lung... What's the meaning of this? "

" Listen up...! " His voice boomed across the open space, silencing any protests or pleas for mercy.

Ignoring the woman's cries, Bai Lung continued addressing the group with a steely resolve with confidence.

" Ahem* Ahem* My grandfather and Father Bai have entrusted me with their final wish; to see the Bai family rise again. And I intend to fulfill that promise, no matter what it takes,"

His grip tightened around the woman's arm, emphasizing his point.

" My father has entrusted me to continue the legacy of the Bai family and I don't plan to fail it, Thus, from now on, all of you are my concubines," Bai Lung uttered with a sinister and cruel smile across his face.

" Now, you have two options; either accept my leadership and work together towards restoring our clan's glory, or suffer the consequences of defying me for betraying the Bai family and my father's trust, "

Bai Lung released the woman abruptly, allowing her to crumple onto the ground in pain.

But he didn't stop right there,

"Of course, if you have never liked my father and never cared for the Bai Family you can refuse, because I don't believe all of you are pure saints... If you are guilty souls that never cared for the Bai family and wished for its downfall, you can leave now, "

He muttered in his cold voice that echoed through the courtyard, which made others rethink their choice.

Bai Lung watched intently as the women exchanged nervous glances at each other however their expressions were totally readable.

He knew that he had to choose his next words carefully if he hoped to sway them to his side and make them his cum pot.

" Ahem* Ahem* I am not asking for your blind faith or submission. All I request is a chance to prove myself worthy of leading our family into a brighter future.

Together, we can overcome any obstacle and restore the Bai name to its former glory, I am by no means lower than my father, "

Saying that his gaze lingered on each woman in turn, trying to discern whether they were beginning to soften towards him or he needs to sprout more bullshit.

Suddenly, one of the older women stepped forward while her eyes narrowed with suspicion.

The older woman's voice was laced with skepticism as she addressed Bai Lung, while Her eyes locked onto his making strong eye contact.

" You speak of restoring the Bai name to its former glory, but what makes you think you have what it takes? How do we know that your leadership won't lead us down a path of ruin instead?... And how can we blindly believe that our husband has left us in your hands? "

Listening to her words,

Bai Lung remained composed despite the quite challenging question thrown at him.

Well, he didn't expect them to blindly him either.

He understood that winning these women over wouldn't be easy, especially given their recent losses.

However, he also knew that failure wasn't an option, not when so many things were depended on him.

The legacy of the mighty Bai family is holding into his pair of balls.

Proving himself worthy of leading the Bai family forward was something he needed to do right now.

With a warm smile across his face and drawing upon his inner strength and conviction, Bai Lung responded confidently yet respectfully,

His tone was calm and collective.

" Well! I understand your doubts, Lady Suzune. It is natural for anyone to question another's abilities after experiencing such tragedy.

Also, for your second question, I am the only male member remaining in the Bai family, so, if he didn't leave all of you in my hands them, do you expect him to leave in the hands of a donkey? Use some common sense, " Bai said making fun of her.

Saying that, Bai Lung stood tall, gazing at the women before him with a mixture multiple uncertainty.

He knew that his aggressive tactics had likely earned him more enemies than allies, but he couldn't afford to show weakness now.

Despite their initial resistance, he adds further,

" I believe we can still achieve greatness together, I am confident in my ability to restore my clan, " Saying that, he looked at all of them.

His aura suddenly changed and strong Qi was released from his body, " I don't mean to do this but refusal will result in execution, what I said isn't me begging for your permission, what I said in the new rule of Bai family, "

With that, he looked at the Suzune in front of him, " I know the death of your son must be hard for you but... Our Bai family has lost all of our core members, we also have two enemies, the Li family and the Zhao family, who might attack us anytime soon. " saying that, he looked at her while he licked his lips.

" Of course, I can protect you from them, but, don't expect it for free... Tonight, I want you in my bed, " Saying that, he pointed his hands at Suzune.

" If you don't wish to serve me, you can refuse now... I'll end your life right now for betraying the Bai family, the bai family has done many things for you, but! if you can't help when the Bai family is in need of its lineage, you don't deserve to live, " Bai Lung said in his cold soul freezing voice while leaning closer to her.

His words weren't just meant for her but for the listening women too, " Make sure to tell this to the other 2 concubines too, " Bai Lung added with a satisfied smirk. 1


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