Chapter 35: The legacy needs to be continued!

Release Time: 2024-05-15 12:23:52

As Zholong's purple aura coated palm lunged at Patriarch Bai, time seemed to slow down for the old man.

In a desperate bid to save himself and his grandsons, he gathered every ounce of strength he had left and unleashed a final attack.

The Heavenly Shield Technique!!!

A brilliant golden light exploded from his body, forming an impenetrable barrier around him and his grandsons.

Baaam! ( collision )

Swoosh! ( shockwave )

The force of the explosion knocked everyone off their feet, including Zholong who was momentarily stunned by the sheer power displayed by the old patriarch

For a brief moment, there was silence as both sides caught their breaths and assessed the situation.

But it wouldn't last long as Zholong recovered quickly and resumed his assault on the Bai family with renewed vigor.

Zhooom* Zhooom* zhoom*

As Zholong launched another barrage of lightning strikes towards the Heavenly Shield, Bai Lung, and Bai Huan sprang into action.

Their body began to glow with dazzling golden color, as they were drawing upon their own reserves of Qi.

They began to weave intricate patterns in the air around them filling the space with magical runes.

It was a martial art technique passed down through generations of the Bai family known as Dragon's Roar.


Their combined efforts created a powerful gust of wind that dispersed the incoming bolts of lightning before they could penetrate the protective barrier of lightning around Zholong.

Meanwhile, Patriarch Bai struggled to maintain his concentration amidst the chaos engulfing them all.

His heartache over losing his son threatened to consume him, but he knew there was no time for grief now.

Seeing an opportunity arise from the distraction caused by his grandsons' intervention, Patriarch Bai decided to risk everything on one final move.

With a determined cry, he thrust both hands forward and unleashed a torrent of golden energy towards Zholong.

Swish! Swoosh!

Boom! Baaam!

However, Zholong took the huge attack of golden energy head on.

A large smoke was formed blocking the vision leaving the patriarch to wonder if it did any damage or not.

" haha! Interesting... But, that's not enough, now suffer, "

A cold voice came from smoke while a small bolt of dark energy rapidly gushed towards the patriarch and instantly penetrated his heart creating a small hole.


He instantly fell to the floor while holding the injury in his heart.


He spat some blood while his expression turned horrified, his Dao heart was shattered... In other words, he was crippled.

With an angry expression, he looked at Zholong.

Meanwhile, Bai Lung jumped in the air, and the next moment his figure tuned into darl matter as he became one with shadow.

Bai Lung's shadow rapidly moved towards Zholong's shadow and the next moment he launched a powerful attack while there was a blade in the Hands of Bai Lung's hand.

Sensing something was wrong, Zholong instantly jumped away creating a distance from Bai Lung's shadow.

He was in sky while his shadow was very small and was barely visible.


Bai Lung descended from the shadows while looking at Zholong gritting his teeth.

If this continues, he will die a brutal death in the hands of Zholong.

Using his sharp brain, Bai Lung had already figured out the identity of this man. This man was none other than maste of that cheap fucker name Chen Mo.

Looking at the Zholong, Bai Lung instantly went on his knees, " it seems senior has come here to find him... " Saying that, Bai Lung pointed his fingers at Bai Huan.

" He is the one who killed your disciple, I did tell him to stop it and not to kill others, I reminded him that we should spread peace and love but he mercilessly killed your disciple, " Bai Lung added with a small smirk on his face that Zholong completely ignored.

" Oh! " Zholong raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Huan with sharp and bloodthirsty eyes.

The next instant Zholong pointed his hands at Bai Huan and released a Bolt of dark lightning.



As Zholong's dark lightning bolt hurtled towards Bai Huan, the young warrior didn't flinch.

Instead, he stole a glance at Bai Limg gritting his teeth. It was obvious, Bai Lung framed him, and wants him dead.

Nonetheless, he focused his mind on Zholong and channeled the power of his ancestors coursing through his veins.

A fierce golden aura erupted from him, surrounding him in a protective shield that crackled with raw energy.

Baaam! Boom!

Fwoosh! Fwoosh!

The two forces collided in an explosive burst of light and sound, sending shockwaves rippling across the battlefield.

For a moment, it seemed as though neither of them would emerge victorious but then Bai Huan's eyes narrowed dangerously.


With a roar that shook even the stones beneath their feet, he leaped forward into the fray.

His movements were fluid yet precise, each strike calculated to exploit weaknesses in Zholong's defenses.

Both of his fist began to glow with orange aura.

Baam! Baam! ( Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! )

Bypassing this lightning barrier, Bai Huan's strikes rained down upon Zholong's face, while Zholong found himself struggling to keep up.

The young cunt's speed and agility were unlike anything Zholong had encountered before, forcing him to adapt his fighting style on the fly.

" Tch! " Spitting at his face, Zholong starts to summon his own reserves of dark energy,


Zholong conjured a swirling vortex around himself that served as both protection and offense.

Undeterred by this new energy that barely harmed him, Bai Huan continued his relentless assault.

Meanwhile, Bai Lung watched from the sidelines at the pendant glowing in Bai Huan's neck.

Right now Bai Lung's eyes were flowing with a mystical white light.

He was using his initate gift " Star eyes " Using that, He could see deep and dazzling golden light above Huan's head.

That was the protagonist Halo.

Bai Lung smirked as he made two of his enemies fight against each other while he didn't suffer anything.

Now, he just needs the right moment when both of them are weekend, and he can easily kill both of them.

Even, if he fails to kill Bai Huan because of protagonist Halo, Bai Lung is sure he can strike down Zholong.

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