Chapter 32: Let him cook – Sigma edition

Release Time: 2024-05-15 12:20:45

As Rou Guo continued to stroke Bai Lung's cock, he felt a surge of pleasure course through his veins.

It felt like the bolts of electric current were passing through his blood while his long cock being the generator.

Her touch was hesitant at first but gradually became more confident as she followed his instructions.

She didn't know why... But, seeing how Bai Lung wasn't violent anymore, she felt a little happy and comfortable.

It seems if she just pleased him, he won't get angry at her.

Encouraged by her apparent willingness to submit to his demands, he decided it was time for her to take things further.

" Open your mouth, and Put it in, " he commanded softly

Tho, she hesitated momentarily, so, he added with a hint of steel in his voice, " Don't make me repeat myself, "

She reluctantly parted her lips and allowed him to guide his Ricky inside her mouth.

As soon as the tip touched her tongue, she recoiled instinctively.

She was clearly unprepared for the sensation of having something so large and foreign thing filling up her mouth.

" Don't worry and just do it, " Bai Lung murmured reassuring, trying to calm her nerves with his cold voice.

As the girl hesitantly opened her mouth once more, Bai Lung could feel a shiver of excitement run through him.

Slowly, he began to thrust himself deeper into her mouth.

Her eyes watered as she struggled to accommodate his size, but she didn't dare pull away or resist. Instead, she focused on breathing steadily through her nose and tried not to gag on the intrusion.1

" Uhmm❤️ Mmmm❤️ "

As Rou Guo struggled to adjust to the sensation of Bai Lung's cock in her mouth, he continued to thrust deeper and harder.

Despite her obvious discomfort, there was something undeniably erotic about watching her lips stretch wide around his girth, swallowing him inch by inch until only half the size remained visible.

He could feel the warmth of her breath against his skin as she fought not to choke on him, and it sent a thrill of power surging through him.

This was what true submission looked like... A complete surrender to his desires, no matter how degrading or uncomfortable they might be.

Even as she knelt before him with tears washing down her cheeks, there was still an air of defiance about her that both frustrated and excited him.

Grabbing her by her hair, he shoved his cock even deeper.

" Uhhmmm❤️ Nnnhmmm❤️ "

With his large thing completely filling her mouth, she finds it hard to breath, her face was turning red.

It was clear that she was struggling to keep up with his pace, but there was also something undeniably resilient about her refusal to give in completely.

Despite his best efforts to break down her defenses, it seemed as if; she still held onto some small kernel of pride,

It was that stubborn streak that refused to be extinguished no matter how much pain or humiliation he inflicted upon her.

And yet, even as he marveled at this unexpected show of strength from someone who had always struck him as weak and useless, he found himself growing increasingly impatient for the next move.

A master should always train his bitch with his cock.

Grabbing by her hair, he pulled her up and slapped her cheeks without any reason.


The slap echoed through the room, while her cheeks were deep red, burning in pain and agony.

Despite that she refused to scream, as if, she wanted to show that his violence couldn't do anything to her.


As the stinging pain from Bai Lung's slap radiated through her body, Rou Guo couldn't help but whimper softly.

Her entire world seemed to narrow down to that single point; it was a brutal reminder of her new status as his personal slave and plaything.

Yet even amidst the chaos of emotion swirling within her, there was still a part of her that refused to be silenced completely.

Somehow, despite everything he had put her through so far, she found herself clinging desperately onto hope...a fragile thread connecting past and present, love and loss.

She believes she could change Bai Lung, over the course of time with her love and affection. She was determined as she clenched her fist tightly.

' Will you submit to his cock? And be a blood claudin ( sex slave) for eternity? ' her brain asked.

' Nah! I'd change him ' her heart responded. 3

It was time for her to let go of the past and seek the path of the future.

It was an irrational belief perhaps born out of desperation rather than reason or logic, but it sustained her believe and gave her a hope.


" Get on your four, " He said with his soul freezing voice.

She looked at him and silently nodded her head without any further thought, her first step was to get close to his heart.

As Rou Guo slowly rises to her feet, Bai Lung watches her movements closely.

" Sigh! "

His eyes trace the curves of her body as she moves towards the designated spot on the floor beside them, lowering herself onto all fours with a soft sigh.

A mixture of tension and trepidation hangs heavy in the air between them, broken only by the sound of Rou Guo's ragged breaths.

Bai Lung can hardly contain his excitement; he has been waiting for this moment since a long time ago when this bitch called him a loser and left him.

Now here she is kneeling before him like a dutiful pet, ready and willing to serve whatever purpose he sees fit.

Seeing her wet Cunt, he went forward and pinched her Slit.

" Aaarghh- " she groaned in pain while her cheek muscles tensed and eyes widened.

" Say; Master please fuck this pitiful slave, please give me the warmth of your cock," Bai Lung muttered while he slapped her buttocks.

Hearing this, She was taken aback, it was quite embarrassing nevertheless she steeled her heart and muttered those words.

" Aanhhh❤️ M-Master, please fuck this pitiful slave of yours, Please give me the warmth of your cock,"


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