Chapter 31: This shit is a five star dish!

Release Time: 2024-05-15 12:17:56

Bai Lung's grip on her chin tightened, causing a sharp intake of breath from the girl. His eyes bore into hers with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

" Now, " he continued with his sharp voice that was low and dangerous

" let's play a game,"

Releasing her chin, he walked around her slowly, circling like a predator stalking its prey. With each step, tension hung heavy in the air

Dhuk! Duk!

Dhuk! Duk!

While he began to pound faster and faster.

" Let me remind you about your fucking place, you are a slave form now on kicked out by your family, Thus, I want you to forget everything about your life be it your family, friends or any other things, "

His words were punctuated by the sound of his foot striking against rhe marble floor.

Hearing this, her heart pounded fiercely as she tried to comprehend what he meant.

Bai Lung's eyes never left the girl as he continued to circle her, while his voice was dripping with coldness and authority.

" From now on, you role is to spread your legs in front of me and beg; master please fill these pussy of mine, " 1

Saying that much, he paused for a moment to create that dramatic effect and suspence, allowing his words to sink in her tiny mind

" Hehe! Everything about your existence will revolve around pleasing me be it physically, every possible way. And if I sense any disobedience or rebellion from you...well, let's just say that the consequences won't be pleasant, " Saying that, he went behind her and hugged her while his Ricky was rubbing against her buttocks

His hands began to move towards her breast, gently massaging them and squeezing them.

After a soft squeezing, his fingers grabbed her nipples, without any warning he pinched her nipples hard.

" Aarghh- Essss! Aaannngghhhbb! " She screamed in Pain yet, she tried to maintain her composure and control her scream.

Leaning closer Bai Lung whispered, " I told you to bark, didn't I? " with that he began to twist her nipples.

" Nnghhh❤️ aaarghh❤️ "

She couldn't help but cry out in pain.

She struggled to contain the agony coursing through her body.

Despite all that, she refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her break completely.

Instead, she bit down hard on her lip and forced herself to breathe deeply, drawing strength from somewhere deep within herself.

She was power of not giving up.

His grip tightened around her nipple, twisting it cruelly until he heard another muffled gasp escape her lips, " A-Aghhh!"

A satisfied smirk played across his face as he watched the mixture of fear and defiance flicker in those beautiful blue eyes.

" Hmm? Why can't I hear a barking, do you think I am joking here? Do I look like clown? " Bai Lung's cold voice echoed through her ears.

Hearing this her body shuddered in fear, while her mouths opens on their own.

" Wouuu! Wouuu! " she barked.

Seeing this, Bai Lung's lips curved and he let go her nipples.

" Good job! Now kneel... " he said.

Having no other options, she just did what was told.

As the girl sank to her knees, Bai Lung's eyes gleamed with triumph. He had broken her spirit, well, at least temporarily nonetheless it filled him with a sense of power that was intoxicating.

But even as she obeyed his command, there was something in her defiant gaze that told him she wouldn't be easily defeated.

It was a challenge he welcomed wholeheartedly, eager to push her limits and see just how far she would go before finally submitting completely.

Let's be honest if prey can be easily caught in your palm, there is no fun in hunting.

The hunting only becomes fun when the prey shows resistance, the more it wants to survive, the greater the fun in chasing it.

It's fun breaking their will to live inch by inch.


Bai Lung stepped forward until he towered over the girl, his shadow falling across her trembling form like an ominous cloud.

Without saying a word, he reached down and grabbed a fistful of hair, yanking her head back sharply so their eyes met once more.

The sudden movement caught the girl off guard, causing tears to well up in those beautiful blue eyes as she struggled to maintain eye contact with him

" Good! Now it's time for you to pleasure me, " he growled softly

With that, his large correct Dick was right in front of her face.

" You know what to do... Don't try to act innocent, and shove it in your mouth, " He spoke his heart out.

She just nodded her head without saying anything, because she knew talking was meaningless.

She has to serve this thing anyway, however she was quite suprise at this size, what was this? A bamboo? A large grown tree? Ain't no ways this things is a human penis right?

As Rou Guo hesitantly reached for Bai Lung's cock, he watched her with a mixture of amusement and anticipation.

He knew that forcing her to perform such an intimate act would be both humiliating and painful, yet it was necessary in order to break down her barriers completely.

Matter of fact, he wanted to boink her real bad as he was very beautiful. He is man of culture after all.


Slowly, she wrapped her fingers around his shaft, it was already hard at the prospect of dominating her with it's mere presence.

She began to stroke tentatively up and down, up and down.

Her movements were hesitant at first, as though unsure of what exactly was expected from her.

But gradually, encouraged by Bai Lung's approving murmurs, she grew bolder in her touch.

" That's right, " he purred. " You are doing great, just like that... Keep doing it, "

She doesn't know why, but, she felt happiness from the depth of her heart hearing his compliment.

At the same time, Bai Lung noticed the happiness in her heart which made him smirk in a sinister way as if everything is under his absolute control.

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