Chapter 30: Damn! This guy cooking real good!

Release Time: 2024-05-15 12:16:40

Kneeling before Bai Lung, her body trembled with fear and humiliation. She could have never imagined the loser she left was now her master.

His gaze pierced through her like a sharp dagger, leaving no room for defiance or escape.

Her mind raced with thoughts of resistance, but the memory of her misconduct held her captive, forcing her submission to his cruel intentions.

" Please," She whispered with a small voice that was barely audible, the sound was even quieter than her ragged breathing.

" Don't do this to me... We can be in a good terms, "

But even as the words left her lips, she knew they were futile. 1

The damage had been done and now, there would be no mercy for her.

Her position holds no respect. A master won't listen to a slave.

All she could do was remain fearless and endure whatever torment he chose to inflict upon her in retribution for her sins.

As for Bai Lung, he had a sinister grin widened across his face looking at her shivering body,

And, she could feel the cold dread seeping into her bones as she looked into those preditor-like sharp eyes that seemed to see through her very being.

His eyes bore into her with an intensity that made her stomach churn.

Without a word, he reached down and grabbed a fistful of her lustrous long black hair, yanking her roughly to her feet.

Her blue eyes shed some tears of pain, while...

" Stand," he commanded harshly with his cold voice.

" Keke! We need to discuss your punishment, " Bai Lung adds, while his cold voice echoes through the room instantly lowering the temperature to a negative degree Celsius that can't be measured by a thermometer.

Her legs shook beneath her body.

She struggled to obey as pain was radiating from the place where his fingers dug cruelly into her scalp, free of dandruff.

But despite the agony coursing through her veins, she knew; it was better to resist than suffer an even worse fate than this.

As she stood before him with her knees that were still weak from the force of his grip, Bai Lung's eyes seemed to darken with malice.

His lips curved as he thoroughly enjoyed the pain he was inflicting.

He would have forgiven her if she hadn't gone with that folder like Chen Mo, and what was that?

Aah! She found a better man than Bai Lung who was more strong, reliable, and was a true man.

Obviously, Bai Lung's have to show who the fuck is boss here.

What do you expect from a person like him, who holds a strong grudge?

Right now, he is enjoying only her, but, within a few days, he plans to take down the Li family and have a threesome with mother & daughter.

That's right, he has already made plans to break the Li family and also the Zhao family, by next week, all the females of these two Nobel families will be nothing more than his Cum Pot. 2

Noble families are nothing more than a few brainless chickens that are unknowingly dancing in Bai Lung's palm waiting for their turn to get cooked.


His voice was low and menacing as he spoke.

" You know what you did wrong, don't you?... Keke? Where is your reliable strong man who is far better than me?... Hehe! He is six feet below me eating dirt, " He said while his hands falls from her hair and grabs her tender and squishy buttcheeks.

" If I find out that you aren't a virgin... You know very well, who will be my next target, " Bai Lung uttered with his cold voice straight into her ears.

At the same time,

Bai Lung's grip tightened on her buttocks, causing her to wince in pain.

His eyes glinted dangerously as he leaned in close, his hot breaths hitting against her ear.

" That's right, hope you aren't polluted," he growled menacingly, " or else, you will regret the day you crossed me,"

He released her abruptly, stepping back to observe her reaction, sitting on the bed showing his dominance and authority.


She swallowed hard, trying to maintain composure amidst the swirling chaos of emotions within her like the clothes in the washing machine.

The thought of losing her purity terrified her beyond measure as the next target of Bai Lung would be her little sister.

Her body shuddered, while her mind went numb, she felt as if she was standing in front of satan's father. 1

Standing before this monster who held power over life and death, she felt helplessness creeping into every fiber of her being.

With a sudden burst of courage, she straightened her posture and met Bai Lung's gaze head-on.

Her voice wavered slightly but remained steady as she spoke trying to act calm and cool.

" Huff! I understand the gravity of my mistake, M-Master. However, I assure you that I am still pure. No one has touched me since we parted ways, so, you don't have to think of my sister, "

She took a deep breath, gathering strength from somewhere deep inside herself as she muttered those words.

She felt sick with herself as she uttered those words.

Bai Lung's eyes narrowed at her straight words, while a smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth.

He stepped forward once more, closing the distance between them until they were almost touching.

He reached out and traced a finger along her jawline, making sure she felt every inch of his touch.

" What a good bitch you are... Now bark like a dog and entertain me, If I am happy, you are happy, " He uttered while grabbing her chin coldly.

" Ess! " as the grip tightens, a soft gasp escapes her mouth.


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