Chapter 23: The fall of all family!

Release Time: 2024-05-15 12:09:06

As the tension in the grand hall reached a fever pitch, Bai Lung remained focused on his adversaries.

He could sense their mounting hostility and knew that it was only a matter of time before they made their move, he got in position, ready to counterattack.

Swoosh! Fwoosh!

Without warning, Patriarch Li lunged forward with an explosive burst of speed, aiming a powerful punch directly at Bai Lung's chest, with bus palm glowing with dazzling golden light.


At the same time, Patriarch Zhao stepped forward confidently, raising his hands above his head as he prepared to unleash a devastating magical attack upon the young Bai Lung.

Bai Lung grinned savagely as he watched both opponents approach.

In response to Patriarch Li's assault, he twisted his torso slightly to avoid the incoming blow while simultaneously delivering a vicious roundhouse kick aimed squarely at the old man's jaw.

He didn't expect both of them to launch an attack at him, he thought it would be 1v1 + 1v1.

After kicking the old man Li, he immediately turns into a shadow to evade Old Man Zhao's magical beam, which was glowing with a bright blue light in a curvy shape, it was his martial art, lightning palm.


" esss! This brat... "

As Bai Lung's foot connected with Patriarch Li's jaw, the older man staggered backwards, clutching his face in pain.1

However, just as he regained his balance, a brilliant flash of light erupted from Patriarch Zhao's fingertips, signalling the beginning of his magical assault.

Zzzzz* Zzzzz*

The bolts of lightning gushed towards Bai Lung.

Undeterred by this new threat, Bai Lung leapt gracefully into the air, performing a series of acrobatic flips while the next moment, he turned into black matter and vanished into thin air.


The shadow form wasn't without any cost, it drained a lot of his qi.

He travelled a short distance and revealed himself right behind patriarch Zhao's back while he reached out with one hand and began gathering his own spiritual energy for a counterattack.

A red magical energy appeared in his hand, while next moment he once again turned Into a shadow.

" Tch! This guy has a once in a million shadow talent, " Patriarch Zhao gritted his teeth while looking at Bai Lung's shadow that was right in front of his shadow.


After getting closer to patriarch Zhao's shadow, a dark energy was released from Bai Lung's shadow,

The dark energy hits the heart area of the Patriarch's shadow however, all the damage is transferred to the real body.

The Patriarch Zhao fell on the floor, while blood began to flow out of his, mouth, eyes, ear, ass, penis... In short, every area where he had holes. 3

" T-This? " Patriarch Zhao said while being horrified, his day heart was destroyed... He has become crippeld.

Not only was he crippled, his vitality was rapidly being drained.

If this continues, he will only live for 2 minutes at most.


Huff* huff*

As Bai Lung emerged gracefully on the ground, he took a moment to assess his opponents' movements while taking heavy breaths,

He had used most of his qi, he could already feel his legal being numb. He can't enter shadow form once again, if patriarch Li attacks him, he might die.

As Bai Lung looked at patriarch Li...

He noticed that Patriarch Li had recovered from his earlier injury and was now circling around him cautiously, while Patriarch Zhao seemed to have gone mad.


As patriarch Li, circles Bai Lung, he swallows his saliva hard.

He couldn't believe what was happening, not only Bai Lung managed to kill the disciple of Zholong, he even crippled patriarch Zhao.

Instantly his body began to quiver as he looked at his granddaughter, this bitch with a blind eye has put him in a tight spot.

The shadow talent of Bai Ling seems to be overpowered, he had already realized, it's better for him to not fight any longer.

If he continued to fight, he would only lose the battle and suffer huge casually.

Bai Lung is already powerful and there is also Patriarch Bai, since, patriarch Qin doesn't wanna join hands with him, it is better he just silently ends it.


Patriarch Li instantly arrived in front of his kneeling granddaughter and slapped her pretty face.


The slap was so powerful that it echoed for whole five 5 seconds, in the grand hall of the Li family.

After the slap he grabbed his granddaughter, and threw her in front of Bai Lung, " She is no longer the granddaughter of the Li family, think of her as your slave, hope the matter ends here, " Patriarch Li said gritting his teeth.


As Bai Lung observed Patriarch Li's reaction, he couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and admiration for the older man's pragmatism.

He was willing to cut ties with his granddaughter, damn! What a coward.

Despite his initial aggression, it seemed that Patriarch Li was willing to swallow his pride in order to prevent further conflict between their families.

Bai Lung nodded slowly, acknowledging Patriarch Li's concession, after all, his qi was already drained, and if the fight continued, he would die after his grandpa.

" Very well, then. If you truly wish to end this matter here, let's end it here, after all, I don't wanna commit meaningless slaughter, " Bai Lung uttered in his cold voice as if he had the upper hand here.

Hearing Bai Lung's provocative tone, Patriarch Li gritted his teeth, ' Good! Very good! Zholong would definitely slaughter the Bai family, I should idly watch it happen, ' he thought as he clenched his fist.

As for Bai Lung,

His gaze shifted towards the unconscious Patriarch Zhao before returning to meet Patriarch Li's eyes.

With a sinister grin across his face, he grabbed the bitch thrown at him.

" arghhh- " the bitch screamed in pain as Bai Lung pulled her hair.

" Keke! It won't be a problem if I drag my slave to my house right? " Bai Lung uttered in a serious tone.

" Hmph! Do whatever you wish! " the patriarch said while he took his seat, and refilled his teacup. 2


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