Chapter 6: Back Home

Release Time: 2024-05-15 04:51:00

The notification panel displayed a fresh row, presenting Arthur with his Stats Points. It appeared that these points could be utilized to enhance his attributes. This was the first time Arthur had encountered such a Legacy, granting the ability to improve strength, agility, stamina, and more.

Without hesitation, he resolved to immediately allocate his points to increase his mana, which proved to be the most valuable attribute for him at present. In addition, Arthur examined the newfound rune he had acquired. To his astonishment, it surpassed his expectations and was not a basic-tier rune.4

The inscription on the rune read: [Absorb: A Legacy rune that utilizes the life energy of slain enemies to augment oneself.]1

Initially perplexed, Arthur shifted his attention to the fallen horned snake and employed the rune upon it. As the rune emitted a radiant glow, requiring no mana, it transformed into a luminous white aura that permeated his body. Another line materialized before him.1

[Agility has been increased by 1.]

"So that's how it works! Hahaha!" Arthur's laughter resonated with excitement, reveling in the newfound power bestowed upon him by the rune. His Legacy appeared to possess far greater potency than he had ever imagined. However, his elation was short-lived, overshadowed by the weight of his impending task.5

"How can I possibly contend with the entire world?"4


In a realm that boasted hunting grounds, the presence of a mercenary tavern was almost inevitable. This establishment attracted individuals who eked out a living by selling beast parts, barely earning enough to sustain themselves. It also served as a haven for mercenaries seeking lodging during their journeys.

Most of the patrons consisted of neo-rank awakeners who had reached a plateau in their advancement and aspired for a modest existence, earning just enough to support their families. Among these establishments, Elise's Eyes pub stood out, positioned as an oasis within the Rovero mountain range.

"Any new arrivals lately?" a bearded man inquired gruffly, directing his query toward the bartender. He was referring to the mercenaries who frequented the tavern. The bartender, a young man nearing his thirties with a receding hairline, sighed and shook his head.2

"This place doesn't hold much allure for permanent residency," the bartender lamented, absently wiping the cups in his habitual manner. He had opened this tavern with the hope of leading a stable life alongside his wife, Elise. Unfortunately, things hadn't been going well as of late.

As the two conversed, the tavern door swung open, and a blood-stained young man stepped inside. His gaze darted around, scrutinizing the surroundings. When his wisdom-filled eyes met theirs, the duo couldn't help but feel entranced. Breaking the silence, he approached the bartender.6

"Good evening, sir," Arthur greeted respectfully before posing the question that troubled him the most, "Could you please enlighten me about our current whereabouts?" The two men exchanged glances, taken aback by his query.

Soon enough, Arthur learned that he was just south of his hometown, Kera. The mountain range named Rovaro stretched before him, a place he had studied about during his school days. The bartender disclosed that the train station lay eastward, a day's journey on foot from their present location.

Unfortunately, Arthur lacked the funds to purchase a train ticket.

"We buy beast materials here. If you have any, I can even provide transportation on my mount. The ride would take no more than an hour," the bartender offered.

Searching through his pockets, Arthur produced a small mana core he had obtained from the horned snake he had slain on his way to the tavern. As the bartender examined it, he nodded approvingly, assuring Arthur that it would

  suffice to cover the ride and the ticket. In a generous gesture, he even offered Arthur a bath and a meal, free of charge.3

After cleansing himself, Arthur awaited the bartender's preparations for their journey. In the meantime, he took advantage of the laptop provided by the bartender, connecting to the internet and delving into online articles concerning legacies.

An hour of browsing through articles, theories, and official Union documents broadened Arthur's understanding of Legacies. Although considered rare and often relegated to the realm of legends in the eyes of the common folk, they undeniably existed.

Some illustrious figures were said to possess legacies that elevated them above the masses. One such individual was the White Fairy, whom Arthur had recently encountered. He mentally reminded himself to check on Yuran's well-being later.5

The general concept of Legacies could be summarized as follows: When an individual desired to transcend death, they could create a legacy imbued with a fragment of their will. However, the legacy needed to possess sufficient strength to endure beyond its creator's mortal existence.

This implied that legacies were not exclusive to the powerful alone. At times, even scientists fashioned legacies encapsulating their fervor for uncovering certain mysteries or attaining particular breakthroughs.

The Legacy user then had to fulfill the will of the legacy's owner in order to receive what the legacy had to offer. It was akin to a timeless and dimensional trade—an exchange of accumulated knowledge and power for the fulfillment of another's desires.1

Yet, Legacy users were not mere puppets. They retained the ability to reject the owner's will, causing the legacy to seek out a new host. Subsequently, the person who spurned the legacy could pursue training through conventional means, much like anyone else.3

"Are you ready?" Joe, the bartender, entered the room and inquired of Arthur. Nodding in affirmation, Arthur swiftly cleared his browsing history before rising to his feet, ready to depart. However, he couldn't shake off the thought of the wolf he had encountered in the cave.3

Had it perished? Arthur had refrained from slaying it, deeming it unnecessary. Consuming a wolf was not on his agenda, and he remained unaware of the notion that killing monsters could enhance his abilities.3

Though tempted to return and eliminate the creature to further empower himself, Arthur hesitated. He had shared a meal with the wolf, both of them striving to survive in this harsh world. Ultimately, he chose to forgo the idea, making his way toward Joe's waiting mount.

Mounting the creature would mark Arthur's inaugural experience with such a mode of transportation. It was a colossal wolf adorned with a saddle, bearing a prominent scar across its face. Had it not been for the wolf's affectionate gestures—licking Joe's feet while the latter petted its head—Arthur might have felt intimidated. Instead, the scene uplifted his spirits, eliciting laughter from his lips.2

"May I also stroke its fur?"


An hour later, following a train ride, Arthur found himself back in the embrace of his home. Night had descended by the time he arrived. As he stepped into the house, he discovered his weeping mother, cradled by his brother Oren, tears welling in his eyes.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Arthur queried, perplexed. At the sound of his voice, his petite mother recoiled, her shocked gaze meeting his. Resting before her was a crumpled letter, its contents deeply distressing. Oren, too, turned his attention toward Arthur, mirroring their mother's astonishment.

"My son... He's alive... He's..." His mother lunged toward him, enveloping him in a tearful embrace. Understanding washed over Arthur as he heard

  his mother's words. It seemed Yuran had reached out to their family, falsely reporting his demise.

Unprepared for this revelation, Arthur felt at a loss for how to proceed. He could only console his weeping mother, gently patting her back, assuring her of his presence.

Once the emotional outpouring had subsided, the three of them gathered, discussing the recent turn of events. Arthur refrained from divulging details about Jizo, as it would be too incredulous, too overwhelming. Instead, he disclosed that he had fallen into a hole and emerged outside the dungeon.5

Although an uncommon and somewhat extraordinary occurrence, it did not defy common sense. His family accepted the explanation, and the rest of his fabricated account unfolded smoothly. He conveyed that he had awakened an amplification ability, a basic yet recognized skill. This revelation brought joy to his family's hearts.

After her shock had dissipated, his mother succumbed to a peaceful slumber that night. Oren and Arthur remained seated, engaging in conversation. It felt peculiar conversing like this after such a lengthy period of detachment, yet Arthur recognized that it marked the first step toward reconciliation.3

"So, how's school?" Arthur posed a simple question, causing Oren to flinch and stumble over his words. Nervousness seized him, and he began to mumble.

"I... I haven't been... I haven't been going lately..."

Arthur felt a twinge of anger welling up within him, but he sensed there was more to Oren's story. Exercising patience, he awaited his brother's hesitant words, observing as Oren repeatedly opened and closed his mouth.1

"Are you being bullied?" Arthur directly addressed the possibility that had crossed his mind. If that were the case, he would need to take decisive action. Oren, upon hearing the question, panicked, vehemently denying the accusation before hastily retreating to his room.5

Sighing deeply, Arthur contemplated his next course of action. If he were to contact the academy, they would likely resort to official procedures, and he doubted the bullies would receive more than a warning. Most of the students attending Oren's academy were the offspring of awakeners.

"Perhaps it's time for me to return," a newfound possibility took root in Arthur's mind. He had left the academy long ago due to financial constraints. Now, armed with his newfound ability, he could amass the necessary funds to enroll. Such qualification would grant him access to syndicates or guilds, opening doors to valuable resources and information. This, in turn, would aid him in his quest to find the father he had lost years ago.16

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