Chapter 5: Legacy Rune

Release Time: 2024-05-15 04:50:21

[Strength-I: Increase strength by 5]2

[Agility-I: Increase agility by 5]

[Detection-I: Detect lifeforms in a 50-meter radius.]19

As Arthur read the inscriptions, a glimmer of hope sparked within him. Runes, he realized, were symbols imbued with mana that bestowed extraordinary effects. Ancient artifacts were adorned with these runes, granting them unique abilities and functions.4

Fire would dance upon weapons injected with mana, while others could freeze with a mere touch. Artifacts could conjure protective barriers or heal the wounded within a designated radius. All thanks to the intricate engravings etched upon them. Scientists attempted to replicate these runes but only succeeded in creating artificial ones, which merely shared the same mana conduit as the genuine ones.

"Detect," Arthur whispered, his voice carrying a resolute command. He willed the detection rune to awaken. Sensations surged from within him, the egress of mana. A white symbol materialized above his palm, emanating a soft, yellowish glow.4

The symbol pulsed repeatedly, sending out invisible waves that reached far into the surrounding expanse. Arthur experienced an inexplicable connection with the waves as they encountered various lifeforms. The symbol continued its rhythmic pulsing, and Arthur's perception expanded to encompass beings within a 50-meter radius.

Ignoring the subterranean creatures, he focused on his immediate surroundings. Aside from the denizens of the lake, the forest appeared mostly devoid of menacing creatures. Birds chirped and bugs buzzed harmlessly. Empowered by his newfound radar-like ability, Arthur strode through the woodland, each step carrying a sense of urgency. Deeper and deeper he ventured, until a wolf's presence manifested in his senses, prompting him to alter his course. The newfound skill granted him an additional ten minutes of travel before the symbol dimmed and vanished.

"Phew," Arthur exhaled, coming to a halt. The sun lingered in the sky, casting an orange hue. Time was of the essence; night loomed, and he required sustenance and shelter.

Surveying his surroundings, he spotted a fruit-bearing tree. Though the fruits would only momentarily stave off his hunger, they provided a temporary reprieve. He contemplated hunting a rabbit or other game, but he lacked the knowledge of butchery and fire-starting, devoid of the necessary equipment.4

While eating, Arthur checked his mana and found it at 0/1. Apparently, he could utilize one rune before its depletion. He waited as he consumed the meager meal, and after approximately five minutes, his mana was replenished. Whether it was due to his nourishment or innate regeneration, he couldn't ascertain.

He activated the Detection-I rune once more and resumed his determined march. His destination now lay in the distant embrace of a mountain, where he hoped to discover an unoccupied cavern.


After hours of meticulous exploration, Arthur finally chanced upon an uninhabited cave. Its depth was meager, offering minimal protection from the elements. Swiftly, before darkness claimed the sky, he gathered branches and twigs to fashion a rudimentary weapon and a source of fire. Though unfamiliar with fire-starting techniques, he utilized the cave's rough surface to sharpen a branch.

As night fell, shrouding the world in obscurity, a chill pervaded the air. Arthur, bereft of sunlight, braved the cold. Finally, after persistent effort, he succeeded in generating a flickering flame by rubbing twigs against branches. Light penetrated the depths of the cave, casting its ethereal glow.

Opting against sleep, Arthur remained vigilant. The forest echoed with the howls of creatures, dissuading him from slumber. He fought against drowsiness, periodically invoking the Detection rune to ascertain any nearby beasts.



The low growl jolted Arthur from his slumber, his senses abruptly alert. He had unknowingly succumbed to sleep, only to be greeted by an injured wolf at the entrance of the cave. Clutching his sharpened pole, he assumed a defensive stance, ready for combat.4

However, the wolf appeared too battered to fight, limping and casting wary glances at Arthur. It slowly inched toward the fire's warmth before collapsing, its breaths labored and heavy.2

As Arthur observed the wolf, his body relaxed. He contemplated dispatching the creature before it had the chance to heal. Yet, both his trembling hand and the wolf's frail state dissuaded him. Now was not the time to act upon such impulses, especially toward a weakened creature.3

For the time being, Arthur chose to employ the Detection rune, ensuring no imminent threats lurked in proximity. Fortunately, no such danger presented itself. Relief cascaded over him as he sank to the ground, narrowly avoiding a perilous encounter. Another adversary, and escape would prove impossible. In this instance, fortune had favored him with a lone, injured wolf.

With dawn's arrival, Arthur descended the mountain in pursuit of sustenance. Aware that he couldn't subsist for long without proper nourishment, he utilized his detection skills to locate a rabbit burrow, patiently waiting for the creatures to reveal themselves.

As soon as one emerged, Arthur swiftly impaled it upon his pole, its struggling form piercing his ears. He closed his eyes, attempting to steel himself, acknowledging that survival necessitated an unyielding resolve.4

Hunger displaced guilt, however fleetingly. Utilizing the Strength-I rune, he skillfully skinned the rabbit with his bare hands—a grotesque but necessary task for his survival. Overwhelmed by the ordeal, he vomited once before regaining his composure and returning to the cave.5

Seated beside the fire, poised to cook the meat, Arthur noted the wolf's feeble whimpering, its keen sense of smell detecting the aroma. But its weakened state rendered it incapable of movement. Half of its black fur had transformed to a crimson hue, the dried blood testament to its plight. Contemplating the matter, Arthur selected a rabbit thigh and tossed it toward the wolf.3

"For our survival," he muttered, before proceeding to cook his own meal. However, he soon realized that the meat he had bestowed upon the wolf remained untouched, the creature too feeble to partake. Arthur sighed, his gaze fixed on the wolf.

"I hope this won't come back to haunt me...quite literally, in fact." Arthur approached the wolf, a Strength-I rune materializing in his hand. Placing his hand upon the creature, he quickly retreated, prepared for any sudden aggression.2

Yet, the wolf remained docile, its confusion apparent but untroubled. It stood, progressing toward the food, and began to consume. Thus, an unlikely tableau unfolded—a man and a wolf sharing a meal.4


Arthur felt revitalized by the nourishment, just enough to explore the remaining reaches of the forest. Along his journey, he discovered signs of battle and bloodstains. Though uncertain of their origins, he surmised human involvement, judging by the wolf's injuries.

Following the trail of skirmishes in the hopes of encountering civilization, Arthur finally confronted his inaugural opponent. Before him lay a horned snake, its girth dwarfing his own and measuring approximately 1.5 meters in length.2

He harbored doubts about his ability to overcome the creature, but his disdain for serpents and similar creatures fueled his determination. Moreover, he knew he couldn't progress without vanquishing these monsters.

Concealing himself until his mana replenished, Arthur imprinted Agility-I upon himself. He experienced a newfound lightness and swiftness, precisely what he needed to confront this foe. Time

  was of the essence, for the rune's effects were ephemeral, lasting at most ten minutes.2

Bolting toward the horned snake, engrossed in its meal, Arthur deftly thrust his pole, inflicting a deep wound upon its face. However, it proved insufficient to claim victory. Sensing the snake's impending counterattack, he evaded its assault by a hair's breadth. Undeterred, he persisted in his efforts until the snake slumped lifelessly to the ground.5

[First monster slain. Special rune obtained. Level 2 reached.]

Following the battle's conclusion, Arthur witnessed lines materialize before him—a clear indication that the Legacy demanded his growth. To fulfill Jizo's task, he had to become stronger, making it reasonable for the hunt to reward him.

Seated on the ground, he rested, contemplating the transformative changes wrought by the Legacy. By his will, his information reappeared, mirroring his initial encounter.

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