Chapter 18: Limit

Release Time: 2024-05-14 14:14:58

After a week, his body shook, the whole cave trembled, and lake water became restless. Thick black scabs surrounding Lin Lee's whole body fell to the ground, revealing white and smooth skin inside.

4th Innate Realm, Achieved.

Opening his deep black eyes, he sighed in relief, looking at small growing hair on his head and eyebrows. "I thought my hair permanently disappeared," Lin Lee muttered with extreme relief in his heart as if a heavy burden from his body has been unloaded away.

Looking at his immature face deeply in the lake reflection, 'So this is the danger of this Immortal Civilization, stronger can trample weak anywhere and anytime they want.'

"Immortal Ascension Sect, Holy Lord, if I in the future didn't fuck her and her Immortal Sect, then I will change my name to a bitch," Lin Lee muttered with an extreme cold expression shrouding his face, then returned to calm.

'At least Immortal realm is required to destroy an Immortal sect, before that I should stay low-key,' Lin Lee thought to himself, ate a healing pill, stood up looking at the cave around carefully, then walked toward outside the cave.

After a while,

Standing at the entrance of the cave, looking at dense forest around and below, instantly his eyesight fell on the medicine plant at the corner of the entrance, it looks like tulip with bloor red patels, his eyes lit up. Third-order red heart tulip medicine, an expensive medicine plant material, which can be used in refining only 3rd order pills.

Lin Lee appeared beside it, basically a third-order Monster guard's a 3rd order medicine but he isn't feeling any monster aura around,

He summoned the nanobots and carefully dug the medicine plant.

After storing away the medicine in the spirit bead space along with its roots, he nodded satisfied, let bead spirit conceal his presence and aura.

Jumped on a tall tree branch, then leaped toward the top of the tree, started observing the forest around using a long scope made from nanobots.

After a while, his expression became strange, 'How big is this Silvermoon Forest, I can't recognize the terrain around.' Lin Lee thought to himself.

Landed on the ground, returned to the cave entrance, started thinking about the direction to leave the forest. "I should select any direction, eventually I will go outside this forest, I heard this forest is attached to few surrounding Empires. Also I can train and defeat monsters inside to increase my battle experience and find a lot of special medicine," Lin Lee muttered to himself, decided then chose the south direction.

Started his traveling journey.




After a week, somewhere in a dense forest, a huge scorpion is leaping through the trees, chasing a small figure.

The figure is none other then Lin Lee, he halted suddenly beside a cliff, looking at scorpion shape monster creaking at him dangerously.

"Screeeeeech!!!" It emitted a piercing voice.

It has different colored gem-shaped scales on its body and three pointed, scary tails.

SUDDENLY! afterimage flashed.

Lin Lee instantly ducked and rolled around, narrowly avoiding the claw and tail attack.

His brow furrows thoughtfully. 'This colorful poisonous scorpion is really a vengeful monster. I just took a few poisonous plants beside its cave, it chased me all the way here. I have to defeat this guy, lest a stronger monster sense my presence.'


Instantly, the scorpion gives a sharp cry, turns, and sprays a colorful mist, covering a huge range through its tails.

Nanobots instantly appear and cover Lin Lee's body in armor with a mask. Raising both arms, two long swords appear in his hands.

"Blue Wave Slash!"

Lin Lee rotates his arm and slashes toward the scorpion's tail. A white slash emitted by his sword cleaving everything in it's way,

Scorpion felt crisis, hurriedly used it's three tails as shield.

Lin Lee mouth curved thoughtfully, 'Do you thing you can be safe, although aura can't damage your tail's, I have something else for you.'

Slashes colliding the scorpion tails, after a while, all three tails separated fell to the ground. The scorpion monster started creaking painfully.

Lin Lee brow furrowed because of sharp noise, looking at the dark color spreading from the separated body sections and covering the whole monster body. He sighs in relief muttered. "Incorporating nanobots in my attacks worked. It seems i have found a new usage."

Looking at the scorpion's body melted and turned into dark nanobots, Lin Lee feels a special energy feedback from the nanobots.

Feeling innate liquid condensing at alarming rate in his dantian.

He hurriedly sat cross-legged, closes his eyes, and starts digesting the feedback.

His nanobots' spirit can feedback the blood and spirit aura to his body after devouring the living creature. Before, devouring objects were weak. He didn't pay attention to it, but now it's different, it was an Innate monster.

Lin Lee can feel a huge amount of blood and innate heaven and earth aura incorporated into his body and dantian.

His physical strength and aura are increasing at an alarming rate. Instantly, his body shakes, and a fifth heaven and earth aura layer appears on his body.

5th Innate Realm, Achieved.

Opening his eyes, a luster flickers through his eyes. He thinks deeply. "My strength is still increasing at a fast rate. It takes 10 to 100 years for a genius to cross the Innate Realm and reach Master Realm. I will reach Master Realm in a few months without taking any pills. If pills are taken, then it will take a few weeks only."

"Also, with Nine Turn Spirit Art, the quality of my heaven and earth aura at each realm will double, now with just using aura I can defeat 8th or 9th level Innate easily. It seems i have to find her and thank my idiot maid," Lin Lee mutters with a smile, recalling Meng Yu's face.

Then in a while, shook his head, puts the scorpion monster tail in his spirit bead space, and walks toward the direction he was traveling. Even at his full speed travel, it's been a week, still he can't see the edge of the silvermoon forest.

After passing through different areas and scenery, encountering a lot of medicine and plants, some used by him to increase his realm and strength, he encounters a lot of 3rd-order monsters that are equals to Master Realm experts, but he cleverly avoids them using his bead spirit concealment function.


Finally, after a month of traveling, Lin Lee sees a clear mountain range and forest edge in the far south direction. A smile appears on his face. "Finally, I can go outside this damn forest," Lin Lee mutters, feeling very excited.

His soul relaxes a little. Instantly, something in his dantian shook.

He becomes speechless, 'It seems i have became annoyed because of travelling in forest for month, it became my soul burden and obsession to go out of this forest. Upon seeing the edge my obsession turned into strength. is this the epiphany in the legend.'

He hurriedly found a safe place and sat cross-legged, grabs an Innate gathering pill from bead storage space, and eats it.

Instantly, aura from miles around gathers, creating a tornado of aura. A few strong monsters in the surrounding become alert, raising their heads. Instantly, the bead floating behind Lin Lee shakes, concealing the aura vision in the sky.

"107,998 Drops... 108,000 Drops... 112,000 Drops..."

Lin Lee's body shakes as a 10th layer of aura appears on his body. His senses expand to a full kilometer range.

After a while, he opened his eyes thoughtfully, his expression becoming strange. "Wasn't the 108,000 limit of innate liquid drops and dantian space? Why did my dantian exceed this range?" He thought to himself, confused about such a phenomenon.

"Also, I can feel 112,000 is not my limit. I can still produce more in order to reach the limit of Innate Realm," Lin Lee mutters, sensing the imperfection and unfulfillment in his dantian. He nods, feeling his guess is right.

Then, he takes another innate gathering pill in order to reach the limit right away. He started cultivation again, converting the aura and condensing the innate liquid drops, and the heaven and earth aura starts gathering again, creating a tornado. His bead shook again.

After a few hours of absorption, Lin Lee finally stops, feeling 129,600 innate liquid drops and similarly his dantian also expands to 129,600 feet. Looking at the pond of innate liquid floating in the middle of his dantian, he becomes very surprised, feeling perfection from every angle he is staring at his dantian.

Also, there is a small purple tornado flickering in the middle of the pure white innate liquid pond, purple tornado is constantly sucking the liquid inside and making it more pure and condensed.

"It seems it will take a while to reach Master Realm, about a month or so," Lin Lee mutters feeling the aura purification.

Raising his hand, he clenches his fist, feeling an unimaginable surge of strength in his body. A smile materialized on Lin Lee's face. He mutters, "Who will believe in just about three months, I will reach the innate realm 10th level limit."

... Chapter End ...

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