Chapter 52: DNA Test Result

Release Time: 2024-07-01 04:42:25

As he gazes at his dim bedroom, Tristan's heart feels even emptier and colder, worsening his feelings. He can't wait for the DNA results because only then will he have a reason to meet her.

After cleaning his body and changing into his home clothes, Tristan didn't bother to glance at his bed because his mind was still thinking about work; it was the only option for him to ignore her presence in his mind.

Sit behind the computer, read some files, and do a few online meetings with other executives from his company in a few countries on the other side of the world.

Tristan worked non-stop. Without realizing it, the sun slowly appeared on the horizon.


At the same time, Dylan returned to the 40th floor, holding a white envelope in his hand. 

He was wearing the same clothes he had worn the previous night. His usually neatly combed hair looked slightly messy, and his usually fresh and clean face now appeared tired.

"Morning, Geoffrey." Dylan greeted him with a half smile, but seeing how dashing his Boss's butler looked now, his step halted, and he gazed at him. 

Dylan couldn't help but comment. "You don't sleep? Or do you sleep dressed like this." He asked curiously. This was the first time Dylan had visited Tristan's apartment this early in the morning, and this butler was already neat in his formal black suit. 

"Morning, Dylan. Of course, I've slept well since last night. Thank you for asking," Geoffrey smiled at him. "Why did you come early."

A few minutes ago, Geoffrey was surprised to receive a phone call from Dylan. He said he would be here in a few minutes. Seeing him still wearing the same clothes as last night was even more surprising. Geoffrey admires this young man as a really hardworking young man.

"Something serious happened in the office? Why did you not change?" Geoffrey asked again, gesturing for Dylan to enter the house and lead him to Tristan's study.

"Yeah, a bit busy," Dylan sighed deeply. The entire night, he didn't sleep at all. He's staying at the hospital waiting for the DNA test result. He felt so damn tired, and now, he missed his bed.

Dylan needs to put the DNA test results on Tristan's desk himself. He couldn't give it to Geoffrey because no one knew about this, only him and Max.

"How was he last night? Did he give you trouble?" Dylan asked again, following Geoffrey towards Tristan's study.

"Trouble?" Geoffrey was slightly confused. "Of course not. He dismissed me early last night..."

"Tsk, Tsk... I envy you," Dylan said while yawning; he was so sleepy and hungry.

"Thank you. You too, Dylan. You did a good job, as did Master Tristan. It seems Master hasn't come out from his study room since last night," Geoffrey said. 

Geoffrey heard Tristan still talking when he was about to clean his office early this morning. Knowing his Master had worked all night made Geoffrey worried.

Suddenly, Dylan's steps stopped. He turned to Geoffrey. "B-Boss didn't sleep?" he was suprised. It seems his Boss is curious about the DNA test result. 

"Yes. Master Tristan has been in the study since last night. Is there any problem at the office? That's why you came so early to meet him?" Geoffrey asked. It was rare to see his Master working so hard like this; usually, he would be busy at the end of the year.

Dylan silently gulped as his throat became dry when he heard his Boss was still awake. He could guess that Boss's mood must have worsened.

"Ugh, Geoffrey... I have to go home now. Can you please deliver this envelope to him?" Dylan turned around after placing the envelope in Geoffrey's hand. He can't meet Tristan now. If he stays here and the results don't match Tristan's expectations, he might go berserk. 

"Wait, Dylan... are you sure you don't want to meet him?" Geoffrey confused. 

Dylan shook his head while grinning at Geoffrey; then, he ran to the elevator after giving Geoffrey the courage to stay strong.

"What a weird young man," he chuckled, then knocked on the study door.


Geoffrey faintly heard Tristan's voice from inside. He immediately opened the door and saw Tristan standing near a large glass wall facing the sky.

He approached him and stopped a few steps behind, "Master, Dylan just came to deliver a letter for you."

Tristan turned to Geoffrey with an impatient gaze. "Give me the letter," he said as he walked towards him. Holding the DNA test result, he feels highly nervous. "You may leave now. I need some time alone," he ordered.

Geoffrey nodded slightly. He offered Tristan coffee, but Tristan quickly declined. Geoffrey said nothing else and left the room.


Tristan sat in his chair, staring at the white envelope in his hand. After calming down, he opened it. His expression slowly changed from tense to happy once he saw the results written there.

[Probability of paternity: 99.9999998%]

Tristan leaned back in his chair, gazing up at the white ceiling with a wide smile. Happiness radiated from his eyes. 

"He's my boy!" His happy voice echoed in the room. "That little boy is my son—"

After four years of trying, Bella had not been able to get pregnant, so he never imagined they would have children together. 

"Wait—" Tristan gasped, shocked when he realized something. Sitting straight, his cheerful facial expression suddenly turned dark, and his broad smile faded. 

"Why didn't she tell me? Why did she give up and sign the paper? Why?" Tristan asked no one, feeling confused about what had happened that time.1

After struggling for a few minutes to recall what happened five years ago, he sighed deeply. He felt the urge to slap his past self for making such a foolish decision. 


Then, his gaze fell on the small cupboard near his desk. He opened it and revealed a safe deposit box. After entering a series of numbers, he took a brown envelope and took out the paper.

"Marriage Annulment Letter—" his eyes fixed on Bella's signature, and he rubbed the dry ink, feeling heartbroken. 

"At least... We are still legally married, Bella Donovan!" Tristan muttered under his breath, tearing the paper and throwing it into the iron trash can. He then burned the paper to ashes.2



- This is the end of Volume 1: DISAPPEARED. 

- Volume 2: RETURN will be uploaded tomorrow. 

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