Chapter 5: Chapter: 5

Release Time: 2024-05-09 14:26:54

Chapter 5:

-Lord Voldemort-

"Come now Heather," Voldemort sneered at the poor trembling girl. "Don't you know proper wizarding etiquette? First you must bow… So bow." Tom cackled out loud as he forced the pathetic girl to bow to him. Finally his vengeance was at hand! All the pain and agony he had endured, when his body was ripped to pieces by his own spell bouncing back at him, would be repaid upon this girl today! Tom would now 'duel' Heather in front of his loyal followers and kill the girl. They would all see he was invincible after that!

"I think that's enough of that. Don't you Tom." A woman's voice called out from… above him? Tom was furious that someone not only dared to interfere, but also used his filthy muggle name. Whoever this interloper was, Tom vowed he would kill her!

Tom angrily looked upwards, expecting to see some random witch flying in on a broom. Except, that's not what he saw. Instead, the woman he saw caused him to temporarily freeze in trepidation. Memories of all those horrible orphanage days being and being forced to attend muggle church!

She was beautiful… if that kind of thing still mattered to him. He had long ago sacrificed his manhood in an ancient Sumerian ritual in order to gain more magical power and control. In his mind it was a fair trade. 13

What caused him to be cautious though were those wings. Four jet black wings extending out from behind her. Tom was never a true believer… He never even found so much of a hint of Angel's being a real thing! He was angry at himself for not searching hard enough. Tom was someone who grew up a muggle and then found out magic was real. He knew that all myths had some basis in fact!

Tom was also incredibly paranoid. What were the odds that only mere moments after he resurrected himself from death an Angel showed up? Tom was cautious because he was afraid this angel had been sent by death herself to reclaim his soul!

'SHE WILL NOT HAVE IT!' He shouted in his mind angrily. 'I AM LORD VOLDEMORT! I AM ABOVE DEATH!'

"Be not afraid, humans. I am Layla of the Fallen." The angel spoke out again. Her voice had a musical chime to it that couldn't help but cause everyone around to listen.

"Who the hell are you, you half breed bitch! To dare fly in here and interrupt our Lord!" Tom wanted to curse the man who yelled out. It was one of his more loyal, but also stupider followers that managed to stay out of Azkaban by some miracle. Tom vaguely remembered that this man was particularly hateful against any mixed races. 'Of course, this buffoon was a pureblood wizard, and had absolutely no idea what an angel was!' Tom angrily thought.

Tom watched as the angel just floated there in the air. She only spared his foolish follower a casual glance before she ignored the man and she turned her head back to him and his hated enemy Heather Potter.

"I assure you, that I am no half breed. I was created in Heaven. Created by my Father, God himself." The angel spoke out. Tom noticed that Heather's eyes widened in shock at that revelation. As did his own, to his resignation.

'Fuck…' Tom cursed in his mind. 3

"God!? Hah! He's nothing more than filthy mudblood superstition! He's not real! The only thing that's real is magic and its greatness. We, the purebloods are magics chosen! And I'm not going to stand here and let some filthy half breed like you tower over us acting all high and mighty. I'll kill you first!" Tom's follower ranted and screamed out. Tom was considering yelling at his follower to hold his tongue, but he didn't. Tom wanted to see where this went. He wanted to see if an Angel was truly as powerful as they were supposed to be in the stories!

"You think you can kill me?" The angel laughed with that musical voice of hers. "Very well go ahead and try it!" She smiled and spread her arms wide as if taunting all of them. All of the death eaters glared angrily at the angel while the one who had been screaming at her stepped forward.

"Die bitch! Avada Kedavra!" Tom watched as the killing curse was perfectly cast from the man's wand. He smiled to himself at the sight that at least this particular hadn't grown rusty and could still cast the most feared curse in their world on command.

"No! You have to move!" Heather Potter let out a shriek of fright towards the angel. It was too late though. The green curse flew forward and struck true! It impacted the angel right on her torso… and did nothing.

If Tom still had a heart… he figured it would have dropped at witnessing such a sight.


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