Chapter 4: Chapter: 4

Release Time: 2024-05-09 14:25:25

Chapter 4:

I was floating about 50 feet in the air and observing the scene below me. As a Fallen Angel, my senses were far superior to when I was a human. Even from so high up and in the dark, I could see everything perfectly clearly. I could hear much better as well.

"Crucio!" An ugly snake looking man who could only be Voldemort was currently laughing maniacally as he tortured a young girl lying on the damp ground in front of him.

Heather Potter looked about as I'd imagined a female Harry would. She had messy brown hair and was still wearing the signature round glasses. She was currently whimpering in pain as Voldemort cut off his spell as he turned to his followers to gloat to them. 11

"Do you see now!? Do you all see!? I, Lord Voldemort have returned! And I have bested Dumbledore's fabled chosen one! Now no one will stop me and us as we take this world for ourselves!" Voldemort held his hands up high and delivered his speech to the dozen or so Death Eaters present. 1

I used observe on the man.

[Tom Riddle Aka Lord Voldemort: Lvl 22]

I wasn't sure if that was a high level or not. I had nothing to compare it to. I looked at another recognizable character and used the skill again. I also used it on Heather.

[Lucius Malfoy: Lvl 11] 1

[Heather Potter: Lvl 9]

Okay, so voldemort was definitely a lot stronger than everyone else here. I was also currently sitting at level 1. So I definitely did not want to fight him.

That's without the fact that his favorite spell happens to be the one hitter quitter instant death curse. If this comes to combat, that's going to be an extremely difficult spell to fight against considering it's unblockable.

[Host is misinformed. The killing curse would not instantly kill you. The spell simply does 200 HP of damage every cast. There exists no non-enhanced humans who have more HP than that, which is why it's thought to be unsurvivable.] 7

"Thanks for the info system." At least that was good news for me. I could tank 19 of those before death. Would I be able to beat Voldemort? 4

[Host should not attempt such a feat at such a low level. Keep in mind that while the killing curse deals 200 HP spiritual damage, there are plenty of other spells that deal far more physical and magical damage.] 1

Well there goes my plan of fighting him. I guess that leaves the method the other two winged Fallen taught me about when coming across humans… lying and making them believe I'm some kind of higher level being far above them. A divine being that is far above the 'pathetic mortals.' Yeah, a lot of my fallen siblings are assholes. Apparently though, it actually works quite often. Their religions condition the humans to think we Angels are higher beings than they are. To be fair, usually when the other Fallen use this lie, it's to trick their way into a human's bed… I never understood that. We Fallen were sinfully beautiful after all. I don't think any of us would even need to lie to get into a human's bed… except Kokobiel. He is literally the only ugly Angel in existence. Everyone believes Father was drunk when he created him… 18

As i was lost in thought Voldemort had finished his monologue to his followers and now wanted to 'duel' Heather. As if this was really a duel. The poor girl looked so battered and exhausted she could barely even stand right.

"Come now Heather," Voldemort sneered at the poor trembling girl. "Don't you know proper wizarding etiquette? First you must bow… So bow." From a few dozen feet in the air, I cringed as I watched the lunatic forcing Heather to bow to him with his magic. The spectating ring of death eaters were snickering as Heather trembled in fear.

"I think that's enough of that don't you Tom."

I slowly descended towards the ground. I made sure to keep my four black wings spread wide out to try and carry this ruse to perfection. Internally I was scared shitless that Voldemort would just immediately start firing spells at me on sight, but I sighed in relief when I noticed that he actually was looking at me with trepidation… and dare I say fear? I smirked internally. Time to see how good an actor I was.

[Skill Gained: Acting lvl 1. →The Acting skill is how talented one is when they are lying or performing.]

Oh, nice!

From below Heather looked up at me as well and her eyes also widened in shock. I gave her a soft smile that caused her to have some hope on her face. I followed that by turning my head and giving Voldemeort a harsh glare which actually caused him to take a step backwards.

"What the hell? Angels are real!? Hermione never mentioned them at all!" I snickered as I heard Heather talk to herself in shock.

I lowered myself to about 10 feet off the ground. I was hovering closer to Heather. At any moment, I was ready to grab her and bolt before my ruse was exposed!

"Be not afraid, humans. I am Layla of the Fallen." 10



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