Chapter 2: Chapter: 2

Release Time: 2024-05-09 14:23:18

Chapter 2:

I woke up… in a graveyard. It was dark, it was dreary, and it was damp. "I hope I'm not in dark souls…" I muttered to myself as I observed all the tombstones around me. 11

[Skill Gained! → Observe level 1/10]

"Oh nice! That skill is a classic!" I immediately tried to use it on a nearby tombstone.

[Tombstone of a man named Dan Flint. Tombstone is made of basic cement.] 7

That's actually more than I expected to get out of the skill at level at 1. It told me who it belonged to and what it was made out of. Not bad! I used the skill on a few more tombstones around me and got pretty much the same basic information with different names.

There was clearly nothing for me here as my observe skill wasn't picking up anything particularly interesting nearby. I had no idea where I was at the moment, so I just picked a random direction and started walking. "I wonder how I'm supposed to use my Fallen Angel abilities?" I spoke out loud. 1

A system message popped up in front of me.

[Host's character background information will now be uploaded into the hosts mind.] 1

"My background what?" I started to ask before I was hit with the mother of all headaches. A wave of information was 'uploaded' into my mind out of nowhere! It caught me off guard and I became so dizzy I almost toppled over. I only saved myself from falling into the mud by grabbing onto a nearby tombstone at the last second! 1

I now knew what the system meant by backstory. 'I' was Layla of the Fallen. As a Fallen Angel, Layla (or I) was nothing special in terms of power or skills. She was just an ordinary two winged angel. Regardless, Layla was still adored by Angels and Fallen Angels alike. She was one of the few Fallen Angels that the regular Angels would refuse to harm. 13

The reason for that was because Layla was actually the very last Angel that the Biblical God of DxD created before his demise! That made her the official youngest and one of the most doted upon Angel in all Heaven before she fell. After she fell from Heaven's grace, Layla became the most doted upon in the Grigori as well. Layla's oldest sister Gabriel would even still sneak away from Heaven every so often to spend time with her! 5

One day Layla got bored from the hundreds of years of monotony of life in Heaven and decided to foolishly venture into the human world. Unfortunately as the youngest Angel, she wasn't even close to experienced enough in mortal worldly matters to know what she'd find. Layla had always loved animals, but heaven only had cats and dogs sadly. She wanted to see more wildlife so she decided to visit Africa to see some lions up close. Unfortunately, when Layla arrived in Africa, she was treated to the horrible sight of a local warlord committing unspeakable crimes on peaceful and innocent villagers. She intervened and slew the warlord along with his soldiers. That was how she fell. One of the laws, in the barely functioning Heavenly System, was that an Angel could not physically interfere with human matters. Her killing humans, no matter how justly, broke those rules and Layla's white wings turned black and she was forever barred from her home in Heaven! 12

It was then that she joined the Grigori. Later on, Layla took an interest in some of her big brother Azazel's "sciency stuff" and was in his lab when he was experimenting with a newly crafted space time artificial sacred gear. He was trying to create a gear that could travel to the 'reverse side of the world.' There was an accident with the gear and Layla got sucked through a portal it created and ended up here. The question was, did it send her to the reverse side or not? Thousands of years ago, the Earth was actually bigger. Twice as big in fact. None of the angels were quite sure why, but for some reason God and all the other pantheon leaders banded together to cast a massive spell. That spell cut the world in two and separated the supernatural world from the mundane. It also erased the knowledge that the world used to be bigger from all the minds of the humans. The supernatural side of the world was hidden in the dimensional gap. Layla was then created hundreds of years after that event had happened… 6

…And that was my character's backstory. It was a weird experience having all those fond memories of Heaven and the Grigori. It was also a strange concept that I now had a love for literally thousands of siblings that I had never met before… It wasn't a bad feeling though. I'd been an only child in my last life, so maybe having a new large family would be good. 11

I had decided... I had always been a hardcore roleplayer when I played games in my past life. My old identity was dead. I would fully embrace this new one. Layla's life and memories were now my own. What was an identity besides a vast collection of memories and experiences anyway? From now on, I was officially Layla of the Fallen. 3

[Skill gained: Angelic Mastery level 2 - Description: Angelic Mastery encompasses all of the inherent racial skills associated with Angels and Fallen Angels. Level 1 allows for Flight and All Speak. Level 2 allows for light manipulation. Level 3-10 ???]

There were potentially 8+ angelic abilities I could unlock as I raised the skill!? I wondered if I could unlock Baraquiel's Holy Lighting? I could think about that later I guess. 11

For now, I needed to figure out where I was and what to do next. Was I even in the DxD world, or had Azazel's experiment flung me into another dimension? If that was the case, should I try to get back there? That probably wasn't necessary. If anyone could find a way to breach the dimensional gap for a second time, it would be Azazel.

"My big brother Azazel is also a genius, so I'm sure he'll complete that sacred gear and come here to rescue in the future anyway…" I spoke out loud almost by instinct. It was strange having so much faith in a man that 'I' had never met, and yet my new body had also known him for years. I figured I'd get used to the blend of memories eventually. 14



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