Chapter 15: Ripple Effect: A Changed Present

Release Time: 2024-06-30 13:35:29
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The familiar surroundings of the Temporal Division headquarters materialized around Jack, but something was off. The sleek, futuristic design he remembered had been replaced by a grittier, more militaristic aesthetic. Armed guards patrolled the corridors, their uniforms bearing an insignia he didn’t recognize.

“Detective Thorne,” a stern voice called out. Jack turned to see Director Hawthorne approaching, but this version of him looked harder, a cybernetic implant visible at his temple. “Debrief. Now.”

As Jack followed Hawthorne to a secure room, his mind raced. What had changed? Where was Kate?

The debrief room was more like an interrogation chamber. As soon as the door sealed shut, Hawthorne rounded on Jack.

“What the hell happened in 1929? Our temporal sensors detected a massive shift.”

Jack recounted the events of the Valentine’s Day Massacre, the Syndicate’s chrono-bullets, and the device that had altered the timeline. With each word, Hawthorne’s expression grew darker.

“This is worse than we thought,” Hawthorne muttered. He activated a holographic display, showing a drastically altered timeline. “The Syndicate didn’t just change the aftermath of the massacre. They’ve created a ripple effect that’s reshaped the entire 20th century.”

Jack’s eyes widened as he took in the changes. The Great Depression had ended earlier, but at the cost of a more powerful organized crime syndicate that now had hooks in governments worldwide. World War II had concluded differently, leading to a prolonged Cold War that never truly ended.

“What about Kate?” Jack asked, dreading the answer.

Hawthorne’s cybernetic eye whirred as he accessed data. “Detective Rivera… in this timeline, she never joined the force. According to records, she’s a high-ranking member of the New Chicago Syndicate.”

Jack felt as if the floor had dropped out from under him. “That’s impossible. Kate would never—”

“The Kate you knew wouldn’t,” Hawthorne interrupted. “But this isn’t the timeline you left, Thorne. Everyone’s history is different now.”

A thought struck Jack. “The older Kate I met in 1929, she vanished when the timeline changed. Is there any way to track her?”

Hawthorne shook his head. “Temporal trace is too weak. But if she survived the shift, she might be our best hope for setting things right. She’d be outside her own timeline, potentially immune to the changes.”

Their discussion was interrupted by an alarm. The room’s displays lit up with security feeds showing a pitched battle in the lobby of the Temporal Division HQ.

“It’s Rivera,” Hawthorne said, his voice a mix of awe and fear. “She’s leading a Syndicate strike team. They’re after the Temporal Core.”

Jack’s heart raced as he saw Kate – his Kate, but not his Kate – efficiently taking down Temporal Division agents. Her movements were cold, calculated, devoid of the warmth and justice he associated with his partner.

“I have to talk to her,” Jack insisted.

Hawthorne grabbed his arm. “Are you insane? She’s not the person you knew. In this timeline, you’re probably her primary target.”

But Jack was already moving. He raced through the corridors, using his intimate knowledge of the building’s layout – which thankfully hadn’t changed much – to intercept Kate’s team.

He rounded a corner and came face to face with her. For a moment, they both froze.

“Jack?” Kate’s voice was uncertain, a flicker of recognition in her eyes.

“Kate, listen to me. This isn’t right. The timeline’s been changed. You’re not supposed to be—”

His words were cut off as Kate’s training kicked in. She launched into an attack, her augmented reflexes making her a formidable opponent. Jack defended himself, but held back, unwilling to hurt her.

“Kate, please! Remember the World’s Fair? The Chicago Fire? We were partners!”

Something in his words seemed to give her pause. In that moment of hesitation,

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