Chapter 6: Temporal Division: Secrets of the Time Cops

Release Time: 2024-06-30 13:31:50

Kate Rivera stood frozen in the Chicago History Museum, her augmented eyes scanning frantically for any trace of her partner. One moment Jack had been there, gripping an exhibit for support, the next he had vanished into thin air.

"Jack?" she called out, her voice echoing through the empty halls. No response.

With a resigned sigh, she tapped her wrist comm. "This is Detective Rivera. We have a Code Tempus. I repeat, Code Tempus. Detective Thorne has experienced an uncontrolled temporal shift."

Within moments, the museum was swarming with officers from a division Jack had never known existed. Men and women in sleek, metallic suits moved with practiced efficiency, setting up equipment that looked like it belonged in a sci-fi movie.

A tall, distinguished-looking man with silver hair approached Kate. "Detective Rivera," he nodded, his voice crisp and authoritative. "I'm Director Marcus Hawthorne, Temporal Division. What's the situation?"

As Kate briefed the Director, a young technician called out from behind a complex-looking console. "Sir, we've got a lock on Detective Thorne's temporal signature. November 22, 1963. Dallas, Texas."

Director Hawthorne's expression darkened. "The day Kennedy was assassinated. This is not good."

"Sir," Kate interjected, "I don't understand. Jack's experienced time slips before, but nothing like this. And who are you people? I thought Chronos Division was the extent of our temporal law enforcement."

Hawthorne gave her a measured look. "Chronos is just the tip of the iceberg, Detective. The Temporal Division operates on a need-to-know basis, and until now, you didn't need to know."

He gestured for Kate to follow him to a secluded corner of the museum. With a few taps on his wrist device, a shimmering force field enveloped them, ensuring privacy.

"The truth is, Detective Rivera, we've been dealing with time travel and its consequences for decades. Your partner's recent... experiences... have made him a person of interest to our division."

Kate's mind raced. "Are you saying Jack's time slips aren't accidents?"

"We're not sure," Hawthorne admitted. "But the fact that he's jumping to pivotal moments in history, coupled with this Midnight Phantom character... it's all connected, somehow."

"So how do we get him back?" Kate demanded.

Hawthorne's expression was grim. "It's not that simple. If Thorne interferes with historical events, especially something as significant as the Kennedy assassination, the consequences could be catastrophic."

"We can't just leave him there!"

"We won't," Hawthorne assured her. "But we need to proceed with caution. Time is a delicate thing, Detective Rivera. One small change can have ripple effects beyond imagination."

As if to emphasize his point, the air around them suddenly shimmered and distorted. Kate felt a wave of nausea wash over her as reality seemed to flux.

"What's happening?" she gasped.

Hawthorne's face was a mask of concern. "Timeline fluctuations. Something's changing in the past. We need to move fast."

He turned to his team. "Prepare the temporal extraction device. We're bringing Detective Thorne home."

As the Temporal Division sprang into action, Kate couldn't shake the feeling that they were standing on the precipice of something much bigger than a simple murder investigation. The game the Midnight Phantom had spoken of was expanding, its board stretching across the very fabric of time itself.

And somewhere in the past, Jack Thorne was unwittingly making moves that could change the course of history forever.

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