Chapter 4: Time Slip Detective: Jack’s Journey to 1975

Release Time: 2024-06-30 13:31:01

The neon-lit streets of Neo-Chicago blurred past as Kate's hover car zipped through the night. Jack gripped the armrest, still not entirely comfortable with the vehicle's AI navigation system.

"So, where exactly are we headed?" he asked, trying to keep the unease out of his voice.

Kate's eyes never left the holographic display floating above the dashboard. "The Chicago History Museum. If our killer is obsessed with the past, it's as good a place to start as any."

As they approached the museum—a strange blend of classical architecture and modern holo-displays—Jack felt a sudden wave of dizziness wash over him. The world around him seemed to flicker, like an old video feed with poor reception.

"Rivera," he started to say, but his voice caught in his throat as the flickering intensified.

Suddenly, the sleek hover car vanished from around him. The neon lights of Neo-Chicago blinked out, replaced by the warm glow of sodium streetlamps. Jack found himself standing on a busy sidewalk, surrounded by people dressed in fashions he hadn't seen outside of history books.

"What the hell?" he muttered, spinning around in confusion.

A nearby newspaper stand caught his eye. The date on the Chicago Tribune made his heart skip a beat: July 15, 1975.

Before Jack could process what was happening, a man bumped into him hard, nearly knocking him over.

"Watch where you're going, pal," the man growled, adjusting his wide-collared shirt.

Jack opened his mouth to apologize, but stopped short when he saw the man's face. It was like looking in a mirror—a much younger mirror.

"Dad?" Jack whispered, his voice barely audible over the bustle of 1970s Chicago.

The young version of Jack's father gave him an odd look before continuing down the street, disappearing into the crowd.

Jack's mind raced. Was this some kind of hallucination? A side effect of the temporal anomalies they'd been investigating? Or had he actually, impossibly, slipped back in time?

Before he could ponder further, the world began to flicker again. The sounds and sights of 1975 faded away, replaced once more by the interior of Kate's hover car.

"—orne? Detective Thorne!" Kate's voice cut through the haze. "Are you alright?"

Jack blinked, finding himself back in 2045, the hover car just pulling up to the Chicago History Museum.

"I... I'm not sure," he managed, his heart still pounding. "Rivera, I think I just... traveled through time."

Kate's eyes widened, a mix of concern and excitement flickering across her face. "Tell me everything," she said, killing the engine.

As Jack recounted his experience, Kate's fingers flew over her holo-pad, taking notes and running analyses.

"This is unprecedented," she murmured when he finished. "A spontaneous temporal displacement? It shouldn't be possible without significant technological assistance."

"Yeah, well, a lot of impossible things seem to be happening lately," Jack grumbled, still shaken.

Kate placed a hand on his arm, her touch surprisingly comforting. "We'll figure this out, Jack. But right now, we need to focus on the case. Are you up for this?"

Jack took a deep breath, centering himself. "Yeah, I'm good. Let's go catch ourselves a time-traveling killer."

As they entered the museum, neither detective noticed the figure watching from the shadows. The observer's eyes glowed an unnatural blue, a satisfied smile playing across their lips.

"Right on schedule, Detective Thorne," the figure whispered, their form flickering like a faulty hologram. "The game is just beginning."

Inside the museum, as Jack and Kate began their investigation, the weight of time—past, present, and future—pressed down upon them. Little did they know, the secrets hidden within these walls would change not just their lives, but the very fabric of history itself.

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