Chapter 55: Utterly drenched in the rain

Release Time: 2024-06-23 10:57:49
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Under the growling clouds that intermittently lit up the sky, Mallory followed Hadeon through the forest path in the rain. She used his coat to cover her head, shielding herself from the relentless downpour. The continuous rain had turned the forest floor into a slippery mess, making it difficult for her to walk in her new shoes. She knew it was only a matter of time before her bottom would touch the ground. 

“Master Hades!” Mallory shouted through the rain. “I cannot walk in these shoes any longer!”

“Do you want me to carry your shoes for you, then? You are, after all, carrying my coat.” Hadeon turned his head slightly, “Or are you suggesting that I carry you?” he teased17

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