Chapter 33: Flavour of Death Poke

Release Time: 2024-06-20 13:36:30

Mallory noticed how most of the villagers of Ghoulsville followed them with their eyes and not their feet. When they arrived where the villager had led them, soon the body of a beheaded woman whose head was nowhere to be seen greeted her and Hadeon. Blood had spilled on the ground from the area of the neck, which had dried and turned dark. 4


"Talk about a headless beauty," Hadeon remarked dryly, his golden eyes scanning the scene before him. 8

"This is Miranda," the villager informed them. "She went missing this morning. One of the village men stumbled upon her during our forest patrol."

Hadeon kneeled beside the body, examining the wound with detachment. He then said, 3

"Ask your men to go to the mountain where the river flows from. They will find a short white shrub, which is popularly called Death Poke. A popular ingredient in tea, cookies, cakes, and biscuits that people once used to use with. Excellent smell and taste would make you think it is better than chocolate."14

Another villager, who had followed, scratched his head, looking utterly perplexed. "Um, my Lord, are you saying you want us to fetch you some Death Poke for dinner?"7

Hadeon rolled his eyes before standing straight. He explained, "The smell of Death Poke entices the vampire, which equally irritates them when they consume it. Prepare an open feast tonight and invite people for dinner. It will be easier to find them."15

"Milord, you know so much about this! Someone go get it right away!" The village man barked orders, sending two men sprinting off to fetch the mysterious shrub. 4

Hadeon pulled out a cigar and placed it on his lips, watching the dead being taken away from there to prepare for the funeral. Mallory, who watched this, came to his side and whispered, 1

"Master Hades, this Death Poke. Isn't it going to affect you too?" 1

"Worried about me?" Hadeon teased, as he lit the end of his cigar. 1

"Considering my address is hell," Mallory muttered under her breath. 9

"You must feel right at home then." Hadeon continued with a sly grin, "As for the feast, who said I was planning on indulging? And even if I do decide to partake, rest assured, the ingredient won't affect me as much as it would a weak vampire."5

Mallory's lips set themselves in a thin line, hoping nothing would backfire and they would catch this second killer. Because obviously the first killer had zero chances of being caught, considering he was assisting the villagers and making it seem like both kills were done by the same person. Cunning vampire, she thought to herself.6

Sensing her scrutinising gaze, Hadeon's eyes narrowed, and he asked, "Why do I get the feeling you're cooking up some less-than-flattering thoughts about me?"

"Definitely not the kind you're assuming," Mallory blurted out before catching herself. Realising her slip, she hurriedly added, "What I meant was—"5

"Ah, something spicy, perhaps?" Hadeon teased, turning to face her fully with a playful grin.19

"I am not cooking anything. I'm going to take a stroll," Mallory stated firmly, turning to walk away.

"Don't go too far. I don't need anyone stealing the monkey," Hadeon called after her, loud enough to attract attention.8

Mallory felt a nerve twitch on her forehead as one of the villagers piped up, "Lord Hadeon, did you see a monkey?" 11

"Stupid… tall tree!" Mallory cursed while walking away from there. 15

Mallory strolled throughout the town, seeing that some of the villagers were hiding in their homes, as if they were afraid of being the next victim. The dark clouds had begun to gather in the sky, as if preparing for something ominous that was to take place. 

She couldn't help but wonder if the second killer was hiding somewhere around. Her blue eyes searched, as if she could catch the person. But all she was greeted with were terrified villagers. When she came before the tavern, her footsteps paused. 1

"I can't believe only two nights have passed since I almost got beheaded and met Hadeon," Mallory murmured as she recalled the night of her desperation to run. 16

Her attention was caught by a group of women who were now gossiping about something. Unable to resist, she overheard them speak. 

"Poor Miranda, to think this creature would maul her like that. And I know I shouldn't say this," one of the women whispered. "But I don't feel bad for Tucker's death." 

"I know what you mean," the fellow village woman agreed, vigorously nodding her head. "When they found—" the person stopped talking when she caught Mallory in sight, who offered them a polite bow. The three women bowed back to her. 

Mallory interjected with a careful tone, "Pardon my intrusion, but I couldn't help but overhear your conversation regarding the tavern keeper."

A heavy silence fell as the women exchanged uneasy glances before one of them spoke up.

"We didn't mean to talk ill about the deceased. But when he was alive, he wasn't a good person. He tormented his wife, subjecting her to unspeakable cruelties that kept her imprisoned within the walls of their home for days on end. And on the very night of his demise, he subjected poor Dulce to his brutality once again, shouting at her."14

Mallory observed as the women's gazes shifted towards one of the houses, where her own eyes landed on a woman whose face bore bruises. 

'As for the tavern keeper, he had it coming.' Hadeon's earlier words echoed in her mind.9

Did Hadeon witness the scene between the tavern keeper and his wife? Mallory questioned herself in her mind. Her gaze drifted towards him, who was engaged in conversation with the village head. It seemed he hadn't acted randomly in taking a life. At least not this one.8

After an hour, the men who had gone to pluck the white plant had returned it to their hands. Upon seeing it, the village head waved his hand at a man, and the tower bell rang loudly, catching everyone's attention. 

"Everyone. As you are aware," the village head began, "we have suffered the loss of two members of our village within the short span of two days. In remembrance of their lives, let us come together to light candles in their honour and to share in a communal meal as we mourn their passing."

The bait had begun, Mallory thought to herself, her eyes meeting the calm golden eyes from a distance. 9

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