Chapter 98: The Mind Awakening!

Release Time: 2024-06-20 12:13:57

" But, wouldn't it be better if you place them in a place where they should belong? I am not well educated and I don't know, how to read as such, I believe it would be best for you to do this, " she uttered with a warm smile.

Hearing this Bai Huan nodded his head slightly, indeed, something should be placed in the place it belongs as such, someone who can't read might probably not out in the correct place.

" Sigh! Ok! But I will be back soon..." Saying that he handed the broom and took the scrolls.

After that, he took a glimpse at the scrolls, surprisingly, it was some basic formula for making pills, arrays, and talisman.

It must have been dropped by those elders mistakenly however, such items are useless to Bai Huan.

He isn't a mind cultivator, he is just a cripple.

As Bai Huan began to arrange the scrolls in the library, he couldn't shake off the feeling of insignificance that seemed to surround him like a heavy shroud.

Despite his efforts to convince himself that he was just a servant now, his heart still yearned for something more, something greater.

He wished he could be a mind cultivator too, after all, mind cultivators are rare and well respected because of their pills making, array making, talisman making, and weapon forging path.

However, for that, you need profound consciousness, and only 1 among hundred thousand ( 100k ) is born with profound consciousness.

You need to be blessed by the heavens to become a mind cultivator.


As he placed the scrolls on the last empty shelves, he couldn't help but glance at the intricate characters inscribed on them.

They seemed to dance before his eyes, it is like the secrets of power and knowledge that he longed to comprehend.

Suddenly, a strange sensation washed over him, like a gentle breeze caressing his consciousness.

It was as if the scrolls were calling out to him.

Bai Huan's mind stirred, with a flicker of curiosity igniting within him.

With trembling fingers, he reached out to touch one of the purple scrolls that seemed something special. It felt overly extraordinary.


As soon as his skin made contact with the parchment, a surge of energy coursed through his body, sending shivers down his spine.

His whole body felt electric, he could feel high voltage current flowing in his veins.

His eyes widened as he felt a profound connection forming between himself and the ancient knowledge contained within the scrolls.

His eyes began to glow with blue light... His eyes were gleaming with profound Qi.

" Uh! Someone dares to awaken from my slumber... This immortal one is happy, " suddenly a gentle sweet voice came from the scroll.

Swoosh~ Fwoosh~

Out of nowhere, Bai Huan's body began to surge with Profound Qi.

Bai Huan could feel his sea of consciousness expanding rapidly... He was awakening the profound consciousness.

The dream of becoming a mind cultivator was right in front of him... It felt magical.

" Huff!!! Hahah* " Bai Huan laughed while a small ball of profound Qi was formed in his hands.

He couldn't believe his luck, his Dao's heart was crippled making his lose his soul cultivation but, now he awaken profound cultivation and can walk in the Path of Mind cultivation.

" Ooh! You seem special... You managed to awaken Profound consciousness just from the aura released by my awakening, " The gentle voice once again sounded.

Bai Huan turned his head and looked at the source of the sound.

However, he was shocked to see a woman.

She was a mature woman donned in a beautiful purple dress made out of pure Qi, she had a good skin tone despite being in a soul form, she was a perfect jade beauty handcrafted by heaven.

She had a good chest and hip ratio to her waist creating a breathtaking hourglass figure, she had a good facial harmony that looked charming and feminine with long hair.

She seemed profound, elegant, and powerful at the same time.

Looking at her, Bai Huan couldn't help but frown, " Wh-Who are you? " he asked with a trembling voice.

As Bai Huan continued to stare at the mysterious woman clad in a shimmering purple dress, he couldn't help but feel both awestruck and apprehensive.

She exuded an air of power and wisdom that seemed to transcend the boundaries of mortality. She was a fairy. A literal goddess.

" My name is Lian, " she replied softly, her voice resonating with an otherworldly charm.

" I am a guardian spirit bound to this Scroll of Ultimate mind, a powerful divine artifact, Since, the scroll has chosen you as its master, it's my job to teach you things or two,"

Bai Huan blinked in surprise, trying to process the revelation.

' A guardian spirit? ' he wondered.

' A divine artifact? '

It was too much for him to handle.

Bai Huan's mind raced with a mixture of excitement and disbelief.

A guardian spirit? A divine artifact? It all felt like a dream, too fantastical to be real.

Yet, the surge of profound Qi coursing through his body was undeniable evidence of the truth before him.

"Lian... Guardian spirit..." he murmured, testing the names on his lips as if trying to grasp their meaning.

"The Scroll of Ultimate Mind... chosen me?" he uttered dumbfoundedly.

" Uhmm! " Lian nodded, her magical form radiating a soothing presence.

" Yes. You have been chosen by the scroll, and I am here to guide you on your path to mastery,"

Bai Huan's heart swelled with gratitude and determination. For the first time in his life, he felt a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging. He had always yearned for something greater, and now, it seemed that destiny had finally smiled upon him.

"But... why me?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Lian's eyes softened with compassion.

" You may see yourself as insignificant, but the scroll sees the great potential within you. It has sensed the spark of greatness in your soul, waiting to be unleashed.

You have the courage and the determination to walk the path of a mind cultivator. That is why you have been chosen. "

Bai Huan's chest swelled with pride at her words. His nose almost soar above the sky.

It was true that he had always harbored a secret desire for greatness, despite his humble circumstances.

And now, it seemed that fate had finally given him the opportunity to realize his dreams.

With renewed determination, Bai Huan turned his attention back to the scroll, his eyes light up with curiosity.

"What must I do?" he asked, eager to begin his training.

Lian smiled gently.

" First, you must absorb the spiritual vein... You are pretty lucky that a spiritual vein was formed here, it takes multiple millennia to form one," she explained.

" It is a source of immense power that will fuel your cultivation,"

Hearing this,

Dhup! Dup!

" hmm! " Bai Huan nodded, his heart was pounding with anticipation.

The next moment, he looked at the ground, where she was pointing.


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