Chapter 7

Release Time: 2024-06-18 11:49:35

My lips parted at the blatant need I saw there, hot raw need deep in his eyes. My knees suddenly felt weak and I was grateful that they were pressed down onto the bed , preventing me from falling. Austin leaned even closer ,I slowly placed my palms gently on his chest for balance ,his breath hitched at the contact .He was all heavenly man beneath my fingers, his muscles hard and leaping at my touch.How I ached to run my hands all over them, I hated that there was clothing between us. Where were these thoughts coming from? He leaned forward ,his breath fanning my neck and without warning kissed the spot right beneath my ear ,I moaned ,my body feeling like it suddenly came alive for the first time since my existence . Austin immediately pulled away from me , seeming to wake  from whatever trance he was in ,he stared at me with hate in his eyes.Without a single word he rose up from the bed and stormed out the room. I fell back against the bed and fought the urge to let out a scream against the pillows.What on earth was wrong with me?My body was hot all over , writhing with a need and thirst  I knew deep down that only Austin could quench . I hated this. ……………………………………..………………………………. I walked into the kitchen area the next morning ,everyone was already seated and having breakfast , everyone except Austin again.Did he not spend time with his family or was it that he didn't like being around me? "Good morning Lucy."Austin's parents greeted me with a warm smile. "How are you feeling this morning?"Maya asked. "She's glowing this morning if you ask me, it looks like Austin did his part as her husband last night ."Lucas commented with a wink sent in my direction . I felt a blush creep up to my cheeks at his words. Maya rolled her eyes."Ignore him Lucy, everything that comes out his mouth somehow is always connected to sex." The queen coughed and glared at her children."Can't we ever have a meal like a normal family?' Lucas raised his hands up in defense."I don't know what Maya is talking about mother,I was just pointing out that Austin took care of his wife last night , probably gave her a nice massage or something ,it's Maya who mentioned the sex." "Enough."The king warned."Don't make this breakfast uncomfortable for Lucy." Maya took a sip of water before turning to me."Have James introduced himself to you as yet?" "James?"I asked confused. Maya shook her head in disappointment ."That jackass, James is my next brother.I honestly thought he would have introduced himself to you by now." "Don't take his actions personally Lucy, he's not a very social person ,he spends most of his time alone and doesn't let others into his life easily ."The queen informed me before taking a bite of her salad. "Speaking of James, where is he this morning?"Lucas inquired . The king stiffened at that question."We've gotten word of some unwanted guests around the village lately, some villagers have reported seeing them to us .Austin and James left earlier this morning to see if it were true ." "And if it is true?"Maya asked. The king shrugged."They'll warn them that they aren't allowed here and if that doesn't work we would have to use different methods until they are gone." "Those fools really left without me?"Lucas demanded. "Well after you cause trouble anywhere you go, they were actually smart to leave you home."Maya teased. "I pray for the poor soul that has to marry you one day."Lucas mumbled . While the siblings continued their bickering ,my mind begun to stray. Who were these unwanted guests?Were they dangerous?The king definitely seemed unhappy with the possibility of having them around the kingdom.Could Austin be in danger? That last thought made me uneasy and I couldn't stop myself from asking."Do these unwanted guests pose a threat to the kingdom?" The king looked taken aback by my question."Not so much a threat Lucy but they are untrustworthy people , we had a close alliance with that family once but they broke  our trust and since then they were banned from entering our kingdom.They've never tried to make contact before so it may just be someone spreading rumors , they wouldn't dare step foot into our kingdom knowing what would follow if they did." "Wait , are you speaking about the Fire Cross Pack?" Maya inquired , her eyes widening by the warning look everyone gave her. "Fire Cross Pack?" I asked ,completely lost. What exactly did that name mean? "Oh it means nothing dear , that's just a name given to the family."The queen explained. Families actually gave themselves names like that? "But yes Maya, its actually that exact family that your father is speaking off." "I can't believe they would show us so much more disrespect after everything they did to our family!"Lucas shouted, and for the first time ever since I'd met him I saw this angry side to was scary to say the least.Even though I hadn't spent much time with Lucas he seemed like the fun , playful type , I never once thought to one day see this side to him , definitely not so soon. "Stay calm son, you're scaring Lucy."   At the mention of my name Lucas turned to study me, his face softening at my expression."Sorry Lucy , this is what happens when I don't have enough food for breakfast ."He explained placing an entire sandwich into his mouth as if to keep himself from saying another word. "What's all that commotion going on outside?"Maya asked. Commotion? I wasn't hearing a single thing.Yet everyone immediately stood up from their seats obviously listening to something I couldn't hear.What kind of ears did these people have? Whatever they heard had them storming out the door. I followed everyone outside the palace's gates and came to an immediate halt in shock at what I saw. Five gorgeous men stood glaring at the guards who were now on the ground, most likely put there by the men.All of them were clearly over six feet tall , and they all shared a strikingly similar face to the other , they were most definitely brothers. "What is the meaning of this ?"The king demanded. The tallest one , who also seemed like the oldest stepped forward, his eyes narrowed and he looked pissed as hell. "Where is Princess Lucy?"He asked in a low growl. My eyes widened in shock. Why was he asking for me? ***************************** A/N: Hi my wonderful readers , my new book ' The Alpha's Rejected Fairy ' is out , for anyone interested in the book here is the synopsis : (Mature 18+) “Say you’re mine Fay.”Alpha Cayden growled dangerously low with my back pressed against him , his erection strained against my ass.My head fell back against his shoulder as his mouth latched onto my neck , he hissed as I ground my behind against his hard on. No. I wouldn’t be weak …Couldn’t be weak , for Cayden and I could never be together , not in this lifetime , not ever. ............................................................. My world. A world separated from humans , a magical land where only mythical creatures existed . Far far away where no human could possibly reach . A land full of vampires , werewolves , witches , shapeshifters , fallen angels , demons and lastly …fairies. Fairies . That's what I am . A fairy, but not just any fairy , a princess . Not just any princess , a rejected one . Rejected by my own people after my family supposedly betrayed our kingdom. We live in harmony with one another ...That is , as long as one rule is never broken , a rule that has never been broken even up to this day.Mate within your own species , no two species are ever to mix . But what happens when I'm the first to ever have a mate outside of my species ? A werewolf .Not just any werewolf , the most powerful , arrogant, heartless , possessive Alpha King that ever walked the land. Alpha Cayden Gollias . My name is Fay Sparks and this is my story . ……………… Thank you so much again for the amazing support , it means the world to me!

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