Chapter 6

Release Time: 2024-06-18 11:49:02

If I thought the other wolf was huge before , I was definitely wrong for this one was even bigger, much more magnificent .Almost beautiful, how could I think of something so dangerous as beautiful ?That didn't make any sense to me , then again nothing made sense to me ever since I arrived to this place. I watched in fear as I saw the two step back and start to go around in circles , growling at each other, it wouldn't be long before one attacked the other again. Out of nowhere two other wolves joined the fight , it seemed as though they were on the side of the black wolf as the three of them begun to corner the lone wolf , he started to slowly retreat,obviously realizing he was outnumbered ,not that he could have won a fight against the black wolf .He eventually jumped over one of the wolves and ran off into the woods, the others chasing after him. The black one stayed behind as he slowly started to approach me.My eyes widened in shock, was it about to attack as well?For some reason I wasn't scared of this one , which was insane , this one was so much more dangerous than the other in terms of strength. He watched me with alert eyes , almost as if he was scared I'd run off ,it felt like he was trying to speak to me ,trying to tell me that I was safe with him . It was official , I was going insane. He laid down besides my feet , resting his chin on his forelegs as he continued to watch me with careful eyes. I slowly crouched down besides him and even more slowly reached out with my hands to touch the fur on his back.It was surprisingly extremely soft, the wolf seemed to like it as he reached out and licked my neck. I laughed in shocked delight ."You like that huh." "Lucy!"I heard Maya's voice from a distance. The wolf immediately sprung up upon hearing her voice and within seconds he was gone ,damn he was fast . Austin's POV: I stormed into the pack's house ,fighting hard to control the rage burning inside of me.I was sure everyone was already in a panic from the mind link I'd sent ,they would all be able to feel the anger radiating through me from the link alone. "Alex!"I roared , the entire pack growing quiet . Alex immediately came to my side ,his eyes full of worry . "What's wrong Alpha?" I let out a low menacing growl."As my Beta you are in charge of the safety of this pack and everyone connected to it,so what the f**k was a rogue doing in our territory ?"I demanded. Alex gave me a look of shock."I swear to you Alpha, I didn't sense its presence ,I don't understand how it happened without our knowledge." "It did happen!"I shouted."And the princess almost lost her life because of the carelessness of this pack,and you call yourselves the strongest pack ever known ?" "But we are." "Well next time f*****g prove it!"  I turned to the oppressors of the pack which entailed of Asher,Alexander ,Adam, Anthony,Nick,Caelan,Ethan,Nathan and Xander .They were just as much to blame as Alex was. They all were looking at me expectantly , bracing themselves for my outburst. "If something like this ever happens again, the punishment would be severe.I promise that to each one of you.Now, Lucas and James have captured the rogue, you know what must be done to him."I ordered . Xander nodded his head ,his gaze dark."He would be dealt with accordingly Alpha." Xander was very good at what he did , the best tormentor this pack had ,sometimes it felt like he enjoyed his position as head tormentor a bit too much but that's what made him good at his job. My wolf was still agitated and it made me uneasy as well , it seemed almost as though he wanted to be near Lucy after the attack and hated being away from her , the thought made me sick.The one he shouldn't want to stay away from should be Ariana , our mate! Not a spoilt princess who didn't even know the first step of defending herself , Lucy seemed weak especially since she was human.I could already feel my wolf's disagreement to my thoughts and it was strong as hell.He thought Lucy to be perfect and not weak in any way. I could feel and hear him growling aggressively in the back of my head, threatening me to change my thoughts on the matter .'You're just smitten because she touched your fur earlier on.' He seemed to calm down at the reminder of the fur touching , I hated to admit it but it did feel pretty damn good , what surprised me was how brave she was , any other sane human would have ran off in the opposite direction , not Lucy, she did the exact opposite when she reached out and touched my wolf , it sure as hell left me shocked for a good few minutes , I still haven't come to terms with it. I begun to wonder whether she would have touched another just as easily and carelessly . I felt anger slowly creep up at the thought of her touching another wolf or another man for that matter , for once I could feel my wolf agreeing with me, he was pissed off as well at the thought. But as quickly as I thought it I let it go , Lucy wasn't and would never be my main concern , Ariana was . ……………………………………..…….. Lucy's POV: "Are you feeling better?"Maya asked .We were in the family room, the king and queen with us as well, ensuring that I was okay.I was still a bit shaken up but yet I kept looking at the door, hoping to see Austin walk in .Did they not tell him  what happened or did he just not care?The latter seemed more like the right answer, I meant nothing to him . "I'm doing much better , thank you Maya." "I really don't know how this happened , we've never had an attack like this before , there shouldn't even be any wolves in this area."The king pointed out. The queen popped open a bottle of wine and took a seat next to us."I need a drink after tonight , anyone else?" Maya shook her head at her mother."This is my mother's solution to any problem Lucy ,you'll get used to it." I smiled but before I could respond the door flew open and Austin stepped in, his presence as always made it hard to breathe, God he was breath taking.His eyes scanned the room until they rested on me, he looked me up and down slowly , almost as if he was checking my body for any injuries, I felt my body tremble in response, oh how I hated the way my body reacted to him.Without saying a single word , he turned around and stormed out the room. That was it? He wasn't even going to ask me if I was okay? Why did I even expect more? I saw everyone else in the room looking at me and I could tell they wanted to apologize for his behavior , yet again. "Am ,I think I'll head to my room now,I'm really exhausted from all of the events of the day." Everyone nodded their heads in understanding. Before anyone could say another word ,I quickly walked out and headed to my room. What I saw there made my feet come to an immediate halt ,Austin was sprawled out on the bed , fast asleep. He was beautiful when he slept ,now that his eyes weren't open and watching me I could study his features properly.He had tousled thick dark brown hair, a strand falling on his forehead gracefully ,I wanted more than anything to reach over and touch it.His face was strong and defined with a sharp jawline.His skin slightly tanned to give the perfect complexion ,my eyes moved to study his lips,they were a perfect deep red and I couldn't even control my own emotions as I moved closer to study them,wondering what it would feel like to have those lips on mine.I was so close to him now that I could hear and feel his hot breath on my skin ,so close that his pure masculine scent was once again pulling me in, leaving me feeling as though I was intoxicated . I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, God that scent made me weak to my knees.I slowly opened my eyes and gasped in shock, his eyes were no longer closed but staring straight back at me!

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