Chapter 78: 3) The Young Master be cooking

Release Time: 2024-06-17 11:23:27

Bai Lung's smirk deepened as he watched Huoyan struggle with her conflicting emotions.

He could sense her inner turmoil.

Thus, he began,

" Very well... "

he replied smoothly, stepping back slightly to give her some space and act like he cared for her opinion and boundaries.

" If you're not comfortable doing it yourself or don't know how to proceed then, perhaps I can demonstrate to myself how best to proceed... Would that be acceptable? " he said and paused for an effect.

" Of course, if you don't wanna do it then also it's fine, I don't hold you 'accountable' for your actions, " he added.

Saying that, he glanced at her.

He watched as Huoyan hesitated, her face was twitching, her cheeks were slightly contracted.

She was torn between her 'Wish' to help him and her fear of losing control. After all, it was her sect, her domain, she should have an upper hand here.

But, she felt like she didn't have much say here aside from following his words.

It felt quite weird, it felt like something was missing here, yet, she couldn't figure out what it was.

Her eyes slightly narrowed while she glanced at his thing once again while she swallowed hard.

It seems she has to help him after all, she was the one who caused it, she knew it quite an immoral act for an unmarried woman like her to touch someone else that ' privately '

But, in the end, it's just some help.


She took a long and deep breath trying to adjust her thoughts and tried not to think harder.


He could see the conflict playing out across her pretty face like the uncertainty in her eyes, the tension in her jawline, etc...

It was a sight that he found both fascinating and infuriating at the same time.

" Alright then... Let me show it to you, and you can think, what to do, "

he said finally, deciding to take matters into his own hands.

" I'll show you exactly what needs to be done,"

With that, Bai Lung reached down and wrapped his fingers around his erect member,

After that, he began to gently massage it and stroke it up and down.

At the same time,

Watching intently as Bai Lung demonstrated the technique on himself, Huoyan felt a strange mixture of fascination and discomfort.

the way he moved with such confidence and ease, even in the midst of his current predicament was simply mind blowing.

He was touching his most private part in front of her in a casual way as if he didn't have worldly desires such as shame, humiliation, etc.

The kid kinda feels mature and she felt immature for thinking too much.

Her eyes and cheeks relaxed a little, looking at him, playing with his dick.

It was quite a sinful activity but alluring at the same time. She could feel her body heating intensely.

She could feel her own lower mouth twitching as if, it wanted to be played too. The fluids were released uncontrollably.

Before, she could even realize her hands already moved on their own and began to touch her clit, mixing those fluids with sweat on her finger that came out due to tension.

After that, she slightly began to rub it upwards to her clitoris.

" Aaagghhh❣️"she let out a small yet erotic moan.

With her touch alone, she could feel a million watts of profound electric current flowing across her body with extreme velocity.

She instantly pulls back her finger and looked in front of her. She couldn't believe what just happened.

However, focusing on Bai Lung,

" That seems simple enough... I think I can do that much, "

She murmured softly, trying to ignore the fluttering sensation in her stomach as she watched him work.

She could feel her pussy itching harder, she regretted touching her pussy. It felt like her pussy was hungry.

Huoyan glanced up at Bai Lung nervously, unsure whether she wanted to hear his answer.

However, Bai Lung nodded slowly, continuing to massage himself gently as he spoke.

His voice was low and measured - almost hypnotic in its intensity, " I believe in your abilities, "

The praise made her heart light up. Suddenly, he began to look even more handsome and manly.

It felt like, she was slowing yearning for his touches... She wanted his masculine hands to itch her itchy pussy.

However, she couldn't bring herself to say those words to him; how can she ask him to touch him in that part.


Taking a deep breath, she removed the wild thoughts that were in her mind.

Feeling a renewed sense of determination, Huoyan stepped forward and knelt before Bai Lung,

Of course she was in bed, her body slightly moved forward, with a deep red face.

Dhup! Dup!

She could feel her heart racing in her chest as she reached out to wrap her fingers around his swollen member, mimicking the gentle stroking motion that he had demonstrated just moments ago.

Feeling her warm touch, Bai Lung felt a powerful sensation coursing through his veins.

As she began to massage him, she couldn't help but notice the way his muscles tensed beneath her touch.

Despite her initial reservations about getting too close to him emotionally or physically, Huoyan found herself growing increasingly drawn to Bai Lung's quiet strength and unwavering confidence.

There was something undeniably compelling about his ability to remain composed even in the midst of such an intimate situation.

He didn't produce a single noise when she touched him, does he really feel nothing about her?

Is he really that away from mortal desires?

And yet, despite these feelings stirring within her, Huoyan knew that she needed to stay focused on the task at hand rather than thinking about if he was interested in her or not.


She couldn't afford to let her emotions cloud her judgment or distract her from helping Bai Lung overcome his current predicament.

He was a talented genius of course, he won't think of a old woman like her in that way.

After all, she is already in her mid century.

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