Chapter 61: 3sum

Release Time: 2024-06-17 11:01:31

As Yin Xia took that tentative step forward, her heart pounded fiercely against her ribcage like a caged animal desperate to break free.

The air around them seemed charged with an electric energy, pulsating in time with the rhythmic slapping of skin on skin echoing throughout the room.

Bai Lung's gaze remained locked onto hers, his eyes were burning brightly as if he could see straight into her soul - baring all her secrets and desires for him alone to witness.

He could see what she wanted and he sees no problem with it.

There was no judgment or condemnation reflected back at her; only a raw hunger that matched her own growing need.

Without breaking eye contact, Bai Lung reached out with one hand and gently brushed aside a stray lock of hair from Yin Xia's face while pounding Lady Gu like a beast.

His touch sent shivers coursing down Yin Xia's spine, igniting a fire within her lower region.

It felt like her lower part was alive and begging for attention.

" Come here... "

he murmured softly, beckoning her closer still.


With trembling fingers, Yin Xia reached out to touch Bai Lung's muscular arm.

The warmth of his skin seeped into her fingertips, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins that left her breathless and dizzy with desire.

As she drew closer, she could feel the heat radiating off him in waves. It was a stark contrast to the cool detachment he displayed towards Lady Gu just moments ago.

" Y-You guys...What are you doing?"

Lady Gu demanded harshly, her voice was dripping with venom as she struggled to catch her breath beneath Bai Lung's relentless boinking.

She rotates her head and looked at Yin Xia from her shoulder,

" Get away from him!... You are already engaged, don't even think of this...hmmm💚 Ahmmm💚 Ahh💚 "

But Yin Xia paid no attention to the other woman's protests, instead, she allowed herself to be pulled under by the magnetic force drawing her ever closer to this mysterious stranger who seemed capable of unlocking depths of pleasure previously unknown to her.

At the same time hearing Lady Gu's words, Bai Lung smirked, and raised his hands high.


With a rapid force, he smacked her Butt with his palm leaving a deep red mark.

" Pfft~ she is engaged, then what?... Don't forget, you are married. You can enjoy but she can't? Don't be a hypocrite, " Bai Lung uttered while he raised his hands for another slap.

" Nhmmmmm💚 " She groaned in Pain.



As Bai Lung's hand connected with Lady Gu's buttocks once again, the sound of his palm meeting her tender soft cheeks reverberated throughout the room like a drumroll.

' Eshh! '

Yin Xia winced involuntarily at the harshness of his actions but couldn't deny that there was something undeniably erotic about it all.

It was as if he were asserting his dominance over both women in one fell swoop like killing two birds with a single stone.

" don't try to be a hypocrite, it's a bad habit... And let others do whatever they want, "

he repeated, raising his hand for another strike.

" If you can enjoy my cock without any qualms, why shouldn't she? "

His gaze flicked briefly towards Yin Xia before returning to Lady Gu, whose face twisted into an expression of pain mixed with defiance.

" bastard! " she spat out between gasps for air. " How dare you compare us? "

" Ooh! You dare talk back to me, you fucking dare to talk back... "

Bai Lung once again raised his hands and sparked her hard.

" Uhmmm💚 "

As Bai Lung's hand connected with Lady Gu's rear once again, the sound echoed like a gunshot.

" Nhmm💚 Ahhh💚 Annnggg💚... Ahhh💚 S-She... Uhmmm💚 "

The pain was intense but not enough to silence her moans of pleasure completely.

It seemed that even in her discomfort, she couldn't deny the raw sensuality of their encounter.

At the same time,

Yin Xia watched on, torn between jealousy and fascination as Bai Lung continued his relentless thrusting on Lady Gu like she was just a sexual tool for him.

Despite being engaged herself, she found herself drawn deeper into this web of forbidden passion with every passing moment.

" You know... " he murmured softly to Lady Gu, " it might do you some good to loosen up a bit,"

" Ahhh? Uhmm💚 ahhh💚 "

With those words hanging heavily in the air between them, he delivered another stinging blow across her quivering flesh... eliciting a mixture of surprise and delight from her writhing body beneath him.

Paq* Paq* Paq* Paq*

Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Suddenly Bai Lung grabbed her waist and began to increase his pace, he could feel he was going to shoot.

He could feel his heart beating faster and heavier.


As Bai Lung's grip tightened around Lady Gu's waist, he increased his pace even further driving himself deeper inside her with each powerful thrust.

" Ahh💚 Ahhh💚 Ahh💚 Nhhh💚 Ahh💚 Mmmm💚 Ahhh💚 "

She couldn't help but moan louder, her eyes were shut it while her tongue was rolled out.

It was too much for her to bear.

The sound of their bodies colliding echoed throughout the room like thunder, punctuating the heavy silence that hung between them.

All the while,

Yin Xia watched on in awe, unable to tear her eyes away from the raw intensity of their coupling.

She could feel her own desire building within her, fueled by the sight before her and the knowledge that she too would soon experience this man's touch firsthand.

But!!!! What if this man decided to be this rough with her? Can she when survive? She thought in her mind.

" Ah! Uhmm💚 Nnnn💚 " Lady Gu cried out suddenly, arching her back as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

Her entire body trembled beneath Bai Lung's merciless thrusts, leaving no doubt as to the power of his lovemaking skills.





With a final grunt, Bai Lung released millions of his kids inside Lady Gu, filling her with his seed and marking her as his own in the most primal way possible.

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