Chapter 56: Breaking Lady Gu -4

Release Time: 2024-06-17 10:46:22

As Bai Lung pulled Lady Gu to her feet, she stumbled slightly before regaining her balance.

" E! "

The sudden movement sent a jolt of pain shooting through her arm where he had gripped it tightly, however, she bit her lower lips and stopped any cry of protest.

She glanced up at him nervously, unsure what to expect next from this unpredictable man who seemed intent on humiliating and degrading her at every turn.

She couldn't comprehend if it was also intentional or just a co-occurence.

His eyes were deep bloody red and intense as they bored into hers, making it clear that he didn't care about her injury or anything.

He didn't bother with that small gasp.

" Nn? " Without warning, Bai Lung spun Lady Gu around so that her back was pressed against his hip area.

She could feel the heat radiating off his body and smell the musky yet honey like sweet scent of his skin mingling with the faint aroma of sweat.

It was a potent reminder of just how close they were standing together and touchy touchy.


She swallowed her saliva knowing very well what would happen next. The sad thing, she can't see it happening.

Dhup! Dup!

Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as fear mixed with uncertainty coursed through her veins.

She wasn't even this anxious when she first had it with her husband.

Well, probably because he was small in terms of the size of the Banana. But, one thing, her husband must have a good personality.

Pressing his Ricky into her soft, bouncy cushiony, he leans forward to her ears.

" Now!!! "

Bai Lung growled into her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine.

" It's time for you to learn your place bitch, "

Before Lady Gu could react, he raised one hand high above them both and brought it crashing down onto her bottom bakery with a resounding smack. " Slappp! "

" Aaanghhhh!!!!💚💚 "

The force of the blow sent waves of pain rippling across her flesh, causing tears to prick at the corners of her eyes.

But even as she winced in agony, she couldn't deny the strange thrill that surged through her body at being touched so intimately by this powerful man.

She is just a weak being that is waiting to be devoured.

Slapppppp! Slapppppp!

Bai Lung didn't relent... instead, he continued raining blows upon her defenseless rear end until it was bright red and throbbing beneath his punishing grip.

" Aaanghh💚 Eeehh💚 Ssssshhhhhh!!!💚 Aarghhhh💚 aaaarggggg💚 "

Each strike seemed harder than the last, eliciting gasps and moans from Lady Gu as she struggled to remain upright under the barrage of sensations assaulting her senses.

The pain was invading her mind making her dull and numb at the same time.

She couldn't form a word to beg him to stop.



As Bai Lung continued to spank Lady Gu, he couldn't help but notice the way her body responded to his touch.

Despite her obvious pain and distress, there was a part of her that seemed almost...excited by the experience.

Maybe she is a M? Who knows? Or maybe she is slowly turning into one.

Pant* Pant* Pant*

Her breathing grew ragged as she fought to suppress moans of pleasure mixed with pain.

He could see goosebumps rising on her skin.

" Hmm..." Feeling emboldened by this unexpected reaction, Bai Lung decided to push things even further with a sinister smirk tugged on his lips.

Safe to say, he is up to no good.


With a wicked grin, Bai Lung shifted his attention from Lady Gu's burning bottom to the delicate fold of dual petal of her sexual region.

He could feel the heat radiating off it.

He could see her cunt overflowing with nectar, her sexual need was clearly visible under his naked eyes.

Without warning, he slipped his hand beneath and cupped her lower mound firmly in his palm.

" Nnnghhh💚💚💚 "

She let out a strangled cry as he squeezed hard enough to make her dance ( shiver like crazy ) before his eyes.

Bai Lung chuckled darkly at this discovery; it seemed that even after everything he had put her through thus far, Lady Gu couldn't resist the pull of physical pleasure when presented with such an opportunity.

Determined to exploit this weakness fully, he slid two fingers and plunged them deep inside her slick channel without preamble or mercy.

" Ahhh💚 Nnnghh💚 "

Her entire body jerked violently at this invasion it was part shock, part ecstasy.

But she quickly found herself unable to resist grinding against his hand as he began thrusting rhythmically within her tight confines of wet muscles.

Each stroke sent waves of sensation cascading through every nerve ending in Lady Gu's body, overwhelming all rational thought until nothing remained except raw need and desperate longing for release.

Pant* Pant* Pant* pant*

" Aahhhh💚 Aanghhhh💚 Nnnghhh💚 aaahh💚 "

But just when she thought she might finally find some measure of satisfaction amidst this torrent of sensations...

Just when she was about to cum...

Just when, she was about to experience orgasm...

" Uhmmm? "

Bai Lung suddenly withdrew his fingers from her quivering core, leaving Lady Gu gasping and trembling with unfulfilled desire.

Pant* Pant*

She wanted to scream in frustration at this cruel tease but found herself unable to utter a single sound beyond ragged pants of air that echoed loudly throughout the room.

" Hehe! Not so fast... Little bitch,"

Bai Lung purred into her ear while his voice dripping with sadistic amusement.

" We wouldn't want you getting ahead of yourself now, would we? "

Ignoring her quivering body that was pleading for that sexual release, he turned his attention back to her throbbing butt cheeks which was still red and tender from the earlier spanking.

Slap!!!! Slapppp!!!

Without warning, he delivered several sharp slaps to each cheek, causing fresh waves of pain to radiate outward from the impact points.

Each blow seemed designed specifically to remind Lady Gu just how vulnerable she truly was in this situation.

She was helpless prey caught in the clutches of a skilled predator who delighted in inflicting torment upon others for his own sadistic pleasure.


She was like a butterfly caught in a spider's web. She couldn't even struggle properly.


As if sensing her growing desperation, Bai Lung then slid one finger along the seam between her legs, tracing slow circles around her engorged clitoris without actually touching it directly.

The sensation was maddeningly frustrating yet undeniably erotic.

" I told you to beg me, didn't I? Tell me to mess you up, tell me how much your slutty hole wants my divine rod, show me your sincerity, " Bai Lung said with his sinister voice and a creepy smile which was something Lady Gu couldn't see.

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